Why hasn't America discovered the Fertin sound yet

I just finish listening to a Fertin20EX in an open-baffle driven by a sonic impact-t-amp. It's just fabulous, incredible sound. If you ever have a chance to listen to a Fertin , you would know what I mean. You could listen for hours and hours . It's pure joy. In Europe, they sell a Fertin 20EX in a cabinet for 9500euros, this is approximataly 12,000.00Us if you add shiping and taxes. Here in the Us and Canada , you can get a 20ex for 3000.00Us even a bit less and you would spend 200 to 300.00 for your open-baffle. Get a good cd player and a 30.00 sonic impact and you will listen to music like never before.Imagine with a better amp- tube. It with be out of this world.How is it that people don't know about it. Ok, since a few months , I'm the distributor for North America. I have it coming, not another D... Are there any people , here on Audiogon that have the Fertin. Am I exagerating. The voices are scary real and I could go on and on. Just try it.
What I wish in this post is to meet and exchange ideas with people who have a similar set-up(open-baffle and a Fertin20ex) and see if what they are experiencing is the same as I. Yes, I'm overenthusiatic about this set-up and to hear people's opinion about this special sound. As for being an importer: no I didn't commit any money in this. Just want to help out people who wish to experiment with these drivers.There's no money here to be made. It's just take too much time. But when someone need to purchase something like this , they need someone trustworthy that will give them support. I'm willing to do it for a while , but someone else will have to do it later on. Since ,I'm retired and my main occupations are tennis, skiing, golf, cyclying and two hobbies painting and music. As for posting without using the word Fertin, I don't know how I will get people in this community to exchange their thoughts about these drivers without mentioning the brand name. I'm located in Canada.
So, if there are people who have Fertins, then I would like them to share their opinion. Just want to share my feelings toward a driver that I find quite enjoyable to listen to,very unique experience for me. Sorry, if this sound like an ad,I wouldn't want another type of DK story,here but there are many people, all the time at Audiogon that exchange idea on different products without being ridicule.
Is this the Fertin sound that was so popular just after the original Mardi Gra score of "Swan Lake" around 1923?Or is it the Fertin sound that sent the thousand ships from the Med to Cleveland with the news of the comet Hales?Either way,keep on keepin on,thanks,Bob
OK, that's more interesting. Thanks for following up Lauren. I little "googling" found this thread on Audio Asylum from Feb 2005.


The AA thread includes a link to the French site of JLB Creations. Select 20EX and press "Valider"


Ushlues the year was 1924 not 1923. I gues what make this sound special would be the combination of an open-baffle with a full-range fieldcoil driver. Thanks metralla , a friend just send me the same thread and I will experiment with this type of open-baffle. It's easy to make and you're supposed to get deeper bass and a wider soundstage. I have them in a Phy-hp type of baffle (5feet by 5). I'm suppose to get another pair that I will use in a close cabinet (the one they sell for 9500euros). This would be good to compare but once you've listen to an o-b it's hard to listen to a close box and you keep searching for the sound characteristics that you're use to listen in your o-b (openess-minute details in the sound -very dynamic - coherent-realism and the voices..). It's a very addictive sound,without any fatigue.I'm really gladto have found these. Now the only thing left is to upgrade my components(I'll be searching , here, on Audiogon for a decent cd player and a good tube amp). I saw that there is another thread that has the same subject with the visaton driver. It's really something that Audiogoners should be looking into. I'm really an happy cat.