silverline vs von schweikert

Hi, does anyone have opinions about silverline sonata III vs. Von Schweikert VR4 JR's. The main things I am curious about are ease of room placement, versatility in terms of types of music they perform best with and if the need arises, with proper power, which one will be more likely to blow your hat off at 10 feet? (I am exagerating but you know what I mean)Once again Thanks for any input!!!
I had the Silverline original Sonata for years and now have the VS 4jrs and SRs.

Ease of placement definately goes to the VS speakers, as well as being a more versatile speaker.

The Sonatas are easier to power and probably less fussy overall to the partnering system, and are probably more likely to blow your hat off at 10 ft. The JRs have awesome bass, but it isn't the room shaking kind, I think the Sonatas dig a little deeper than the JRs.

A big plus in my opinion is that the VS speakers are much more enjoyable off axis than the Sonatas, my VS speakers sound good all over the house.

If you have enough power I would go for the VS speakers. I've never had them sound good here with less than 300 watts, where the Sonatas can sound good with low power. If you can do the work required to get the system up to the standards that the JRs like then I think in the end they are a more rewarding speaker.
I use to power my VR4JRs with a 300 watt/channel SS Bryston 4BST and they sounded fantastic. I now use a 75 watt/channel tube McIntosh MC275 and they sound even better. So, power alone isn't the deternining factor.
That's interesting Jgiacalo, I've been kicking around the tube idea. I will seriously consider that option. I imagine I'll be asking some more questions after I do some homework. Thank you guys for sharing!