REL is dead. Long live REL

Hi Guys,

REL Acoustics has been sold to Sumiko!!!

Per a recent press release:

It’s all change for REL. The UK ’s best known subwoofer brand has changed hands, having been bought out by its US distributors, Sumiko.

Richard Edmund Lord, the mastermind behind all the company’s previous award winning products, and affectionately known as The Lord of Bass, is no longer involved.

Rising from the ashes of REL is an entirely new company, REL Acoustics.
Its upcoming 'R' series subwoofers have been conceived by Sumiko and will be built in China . Further distancing themselves from previous REL products, they will utilize digital amplification.
Sumiko could just have easily spec'd out a subwoofer for Chinese manufacture and sold it under their own name, but they've spent the last decade building up the REL brand in the States. Does it really make sense to write-off that effort and start over? Buying out REL seems like a very sound business move. I own two REL Stadium 3s and have nothing but positive things to say about Sumiko and its network of dealers. The REL brand could not have landed in better hands.
I recently spoke to Sumiko about the Britannia series and they stated that they were designed and built by Rel. The reason he gave for not importing Strata 5 and Storm 5 was that they believed that the remote feature diminished the sound and that the Britannia build was better at fast,articulate upper base He stated that the B1 would "wipe the floor with the Stadium 3". He did state that the Stentor 3 in some respects was still better. This might all just be marketing crap but I thought I'd share it with you. - Jim
Sugarbrie, having said that I agree with you in my previous post, I think the fact that Sumiko has bought a brand name and feels that this will sell is a sad reflection of our society (where "brand recognition" has become more important than substance), rather than any negative reflection on REL or Sumiko.

I gather Mr Lord simply wanted to retire, and Sumiko want to continue to offer "REL" subwoofers.