Krell Resolution 2's VS Polk Audio LSi15

Interested if anybody has compared the two? I Know both use the same tweeter, outside of that I'd only assume the Krell has a much better crossover network and bass drivers. I love the sound of the LSi's I was wondering if the extra $$$$ was worth the jump up to the Krell.
hmmm I know that link, cuz I told you to go ahead with the LSi's in that link, then told you to upgrade your electronics because the Polk's were capable of showing you upgrades further up the chain. How quickly we forget =P
Hey Lush, now I remember, It was you that put me on to them right? My mind was almost made up, but you did convince me to go ahead !
I have had the Response 2 for quite awhile now. I wrote a review here on audigon way back. Never heard the Polk speakers. Regarding home theater, I use mine for 2 channel. They will play loud but are also fantastic at low volume. Everything is system match and set up. With the right front end, I can make Radioshack speakers sound better than alot of high end stuff on a poor quality front end. My Krells continue to amaze me to the point I have stopped looking at anything else having settled on my ultimate system. When I first wrote the reviews, I did it using a Plinius SA250mkiv. I am now using my Cary SLM200 amps. There is an awesome synergy in this combination. My bias leans to tubes and this combination is near perfect. Rest of system is Basis Debut, Vector, Transfig W, Aesthetix Io into the Cary's and Krells.
I am happy I purchased these before the price increase and find them immensely satsifying. Good look when you make up your mind.