Warm speakers?

Hello, in my current system I'm listening to a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrel Hot Rods in a very small room. We are preparing to move into a new house where I'll get a larger listening room (13X14). I would like to get larger speakers but maintain the Kestrel's sonic characteristics. If asked to decribe the Kestrels in one word I'd say "warm" without hesitation. Anyone have a suggestion for similar sounding speakers that go lower than Kestrel's 38HZ in the $1K to $1.5K range used? I have a feeling when the Kestrels will be too small for the new room.
Rest of system is NAD C-541i and Portal Panache. Thanks.
My Tannoy Revolution 3's have been compared to your Kestrals in some mags in the past. I'm using my Tannoy's in a room 17X35. They're being pushed by an HK 730. They could use a bit more bottom impact, but otherwise they fill the room fine. Take your Kestrals with you and see how they sound.
If warm means "non-fatiguing" and not forward sounding, you might want to consider a pair of Quad ESLs. I have a 15 by 13 room. I just got a Portal Panache. It is a very nice match with my Quads. The midrange combination of the Panache and Quads is quite good.
though there are always exceptions to the rule, A two way driver design quite often comes off as sounding warmer than a 3 way or multiple driver design. audiofankj is right when he says to wait and see how they sound in the new room.
I have not compared Dynaudios directly to the Meadowlarks. I like the Dynaudio line in general because the tweeter is not harsh but not rolled off and the midrange is well balanced, if a bit forward. There is no substitute for listening yourself, but I recommend you audition the Dynaudios. The Audience line should be in your price range.

If you can get the opportunity to listen to a pair of Harbeth's, do it. They definately are a warm, but acturate, speaker and will work well in this size room. I am currently using a pair of the ES 7's, in nearly an identically sized room as you described.

All the best.
