Warm speakers?

Hello, in my current system I'm listening to a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrel Hot Rods in a very small room. We are preparing to move into a new house where I'll get a larger listening room (13X14). I would like to get larger speakers but maintain the Kestrel's sonic characteristics. If asked to decribe the Kestrels in one word I'd say "warm" without hesitation. Anyone have a suggestion for similar sounding speakers that go lower than Kestrel's 38HZ in the $1K to $1.5K range used? I have a feeling when the Kestrels will be too small for the new room.
Rest of system is NAD C-541i and Portal Panache. Thanks.

If you can get the opportunity to listen to a pair of Harbeth's, do it. They definately are a warm, but acturate, speaker and will work well in this size room. I am currently using a pair of the ES 7's, in nearly an identically sized room as you described.

All the best.

I have become a fan of Danish and Italian speakers and would highly recommend speakers form the Opera or Sonus Farber lines if you have an amp that will do well with 4 ohms.
Timrhu - I like most, but not all of the advice of Bigtee & Audiofankj. I owned the Soliloquy 6.2i's (not sure of the sonic differences of the older 6.2 version versus the 6.2"i" version), and while they were "ok" speakers, the bass response in my system was poor. I do agree that staying with what you have should be a consideration, or, if you are like me, and want to experiment a bit, you probably can't go wrong with Bigtee's suggestion of Vandersteen 2Ce's (if you are ok with the 2Ce's aesthitics).
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll have to research the Vienna Acoustics line. There was a dealer who sold them here in Indianapolis a couple of years ago but he's closed up shop. No matter what I decide, the Kestrels will stay with. Of all the speakers I've owned, and I've owned a few, they are my sentimental favorite; just alot of fun to listen to.
Research begins now.
If you like the Kestrals, move up to the Blue Heron 2's: you can get a super deal on them these days ( I've seen them for around $5000. on A'gon) and they should give you everything you want and more. I owned mine for a couple of years and enjoyed them immensely.