Which Magnepans 3.5 or 1.6?

I am looking to purchase a set of Magnepans. My budget is about $1800. Would I be better off with a new set of 1.6QRs or a used set of 3.5s? I am using a CAT SL-1 mk 2 pre, Resolution Audio Opus 21 cdp, and for now an old Bryston 4B amp. My next step will be to replace the amp.
Jimburger is a brave man to admit that "what-if-itis" was at least in part responsible for his 3.6 purchase. Unfortunately, after you buy the 3.6, you will still suffer from this ailment as you contemplate the possibilities of the 20.1. And after that, how about a "true" electrostatic planar?

Go listen to both.
Please forgive me for asking a question in this question, but as I lurk on this post, I too am considering the Maggies vs the M-Ls and have the same budget. Since those of you who have posted have experience with the both, I have a question. Is it worth getting either of them if I can only pull them out 36 inches from the back wall and no further, and am sitting 11 feet away? If so, is there one of the Maggies or M-Ls that is better suited. Thanks to all for your in depth answers, they have helped many. And thanks to PAL for letting me interject this question.
Space is for optimum set up. My 1st pr were 2.6 circa 1993, and they served as the L/R channel in a home theater as well. They were seperated by 8 ft with a TV stand between them. My listening chair was about 5ft away, and they were approx 3ft from the rear wall. My dealer delivered them and positioned them with the ribbons on the inside. I/others thought they sounded great. SInce then I have upgraded to the 3.6, and have a seperate home theater. I also have more than ample space to accomodate their placement. I absolutely love the Mag sound because for me soundsatge/imaging is top priority. I have also added Manley Neo 250's to the mix. Their drawback is you need power, and most ears are not trained on super tight bass so folks add subs. Cant't knoch ML, I just prefer the Maggies.
I have had several pairs of Maggies starting with MMG's and then 1.5's, 1.6's and now 3.5's. I loved the 1.6's, great midrange and a wonderful overall sound but the 3.5's give me that extra level of refinement that the 1.6's couldn't do with there true ribbon tweeter. As well, the bass is better with the 3.5's. I do agree with the other threads that they needs lot's of power and current to really sing. I have tried several amps before settling on a McCormack DNA-1 which really works well with them. I was able to use moderate powered tube amps with my 1.6's and they sounded great but the same amps wouldn't work well with the 3.5's. You can't go wrong with either one but the 5's are a bit better in the overall presentation of music.