Best bass response in a $1500 pair monitor?

After much research,and much help from audiogon members, I'm leaning toward Audio Refinement Complete amp. Have already bought Rotel 1072CD, although I may have jumped the gun-- perhaps AR CD would've been better choice, but... am looking for suggestions for a monitor speaker to match. Have $1500 to spend. Am willing to add sub later if necessary, but: are there monitors that are more satisfying than others in mid-bass? Ideally, I'd prefer to start my listening enjoyment now, without constantly being reminded of the missing low-bass. Suggestions????
>Are these as high quality as B&W 800 series<
I wouldn't use the 800 series as my standard. Thankfully most good speaker manufacturers don't.
OOf. I missed the B&W question. I'm glad I did. Let's just say I agree with Judy so I don't offend anyone. :)
i had jim build me some 9.0 with dennis murphy crossovers in ebony mbow boxes that are absolutely stunning. i have to laugh at anyone who would go elsewhere for the money. they easily compete with my focus audio 688s.
How about Definitive Technology's ProMonitor 900? Its a powered monitor, and believe me it has serious bass respones.
Heh, Heh; here's my chance...I get absolutely fabulous bass out of my set-up. AR Complete amp, older rotel CDP 855, Soliloquy 5.0 monitors, Mapleshade speaker cables and a Transparent Audio Link 100 interconnect.
I've been playing around ALOT with speaker cables and interconnects. With several Transparent IC's that I tried, I consistently get powerful, percussive and defined deep bass (no sub needed). Mapleshade is the punchyest, but I get great bass with many different speaker cables.
The monitors are on 24 inch stands and sit on #2 vibrapods. All the bass energy gets out into the room, especially vibrant at lower volumes.