Silverline Sonata III or Legacy Focus 20/20?

Please provide your suggestion.

Music: classical
Source: BAT VK-5 CD player
Line: Counterpoint SA-11
Power: Counterpoint SA-100 Monoblock (fully modified)
Cable: Stealth M-21 (interconnects) & Ensemble Megaflux
Room: 18 x 30 x 12

I like the bass of my current Thiel 3.6, the high and mid from my past Silverline Sonata I. I am planning to replace my Thiel 3.6 with Sonata III but also interested in Legacy Focus 20/20 but no way to audit them. I am open to other speaker as well, please provide your suggestion on my next speaker selection.

Thanks in advance.

I'm a Sonata fan, I have the 2's and would like to move up to the 3's when I can swing it. I know what the 2's do well (am very happy w/ mine) and Jimman sounds spot on in his description of the 3's. I can't say I've ever heard the Legacy's but I was under the impression based only on hear-say, that they were a bit less refined speaker, more in the gene pool of the original rock and roll breed, perhaps akin to the old Altec Lansing flavor... play loud, play hard sort of thing? ("not that there's anything wrong with that" as I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for speakers that can really rock). The Silverlines will probably be a better match to your electronics though... I owned a Counterpoint SA-100 back in the days of Corey Greenberg at Stereophile... it was a really nice amp, not only in its day, but I recommended it to a friend of mine who's been very happy with his for the past 15 years. But what I'm really jealous of is that SA-11 of yours... wow, how cool is that. I think the tubes in the 11 and the hybrid 100 will gel with the Sonata sound. I've owned the SA-1000, moved up to the 3000, and finally owned the SA-5000 for many years (always dreaming of the 11) and I'm sure Michael Elliot's magic touch on your upgraded 100 will be well expressed through the Sonatas.(IMHO). BTW, I still use an upgraded Counterpoint DA-11/DA-10 transport/processor combo for my digital source.Good luck and I hope this helps, Happy Lissn'n
Do you suppose the author has made a speaker purchase since posting this thread over a year and a half ago?
I thought that was a little funny also. I only posted my comment for furture readers trying to find info on the focus 20/20's. I often go through all old threads and read up on a product Im interested in buying and seeing the responses and feedback. The tilting forward of the Legacy CAN make all the difference in the world with a lower seat, and many people might not think of trying it for months or years,as for the post by Lisnr, Im sure the author has settled on some speakers by now. :)