Subwoofer Question

I’ve decided to try a sub in my system but without much experience with subs I bought a Definitive Sub Pro 80. This is for 2ch audio. It had great reviews and for the price I thought I might give it a try. I have a pretty small listening room, so I don’t think I need anything much bigger. There is certainly more bass to the system now, and I kind of like this; however it through my system off balance. Stage is much more difficult to control it seems like. Now it sits on the left side near the speaker. My question is… do I need to get a second sub? Different sub? Maybe, position it differently?

You may have the crossover set to high...try a lower setting or move the sub between the speakers. Another sub will of course fix the problem also, and may be the best way to go if you can not do the other fixes.

Agree. A 2nd sub is best but you need to make sure the sub blends with the output of your main speakers. Don't be tempted by the urge to make the sub heard. Try to blend the sub so that it's only adding an octave or 2 to the bottom end when the music plays it. The key is being judicious with the added bottom end extension.
Totally agree with both of the above posts. In one of the threads (Velodyne Digital Drive in Stereo, or something like that), one versus two subwoofers is hotly debated. I came away with this: Below 60 hertz or so, subwoofers are non-directional to the human ear. Don't know if that's true but it makes intuitive sense. My sub has the crossover set at 27 hertz and blends seamlessly with the mains, both in terms of sonics and in terms of seeming to be non-directional. It sits in a corner but the deep bass sounds like it's coming from between the speakers, or sometimes just to the left of center (towards that same corner, but still only a foot or so off center).