Kharma Mini or Avalon Eidolon diamond

This is a poll to know which speaker will you prefer, in relation to the quality of sound, RESALE value, easy to de drived by not high power amps and expensives.... , also which will be yours alternatives to these two models in the same league of price? Thanks

Very interesting. I had a pair of avalon Eidolon's and found the opposite to be true. The speakers presented a near holographic soundstage. Sounds came from beside and almost behind me.
Interesting, but the best match I have found for my Eidolons so far was a 2x300B based 16W SET amp. And I have tried many (10+) "conventional" amps in the 20k range.
Toboo: interesting comment about the Opus vs. the 3.2. I found the Kharmas a bit bass shy and I have to follow Chucks comment: the Avalons present a much more holographic soundstage than the Kharmas. Detail retrieval is on par but the base line of the Opus is better as well as the ability to pin point.
Which cables and front end did you use during your comparison ?
I only have heard the Symbol, but now way the sound is behind the speakers.
With some cd, its like you`re listening surround.
Forget the Symbol´s - they´re crap. Avalon in my Opinion starts with Opus Ceramique.