Kharma Mini or Avalon Eidolon diamond

This is a poll to know which speaker will you prefer, in relation to the quality of sound, RESALE value, easy to de drived by not high power amps and expensives.... , also which will be yours alternatives to these two models in the same league of price? Thanks
I only have heard the Symbol, but now way the sound is behind the speakers.
With some cd, its like you`re listening surround.
Forget the Symbol´s - they´re crap. Avalon in my Opinion starts with Opus Ceramique.
Opus and Opus Ceramique are just replace with new Indra.
And new Ascendant2 is excellent little speaker IMHO...
I have listened to both of these speakers and although the Kharma has a very inviting midrange that can make listening enjoying for a long time, the diamonds are truly amazing speakers that I have yet to hear bettered. The diamonds can reach deep and extend way up top where most would never dare go. The midrange is still there, still beatiful, but complimented by a full range that really makes listening to CDs of all types fun. The depth and realism of the soundstage is near perfect. Of course like any speaker, the right source and other components make a big difference. I could live with a pair of diamonds forever :)

I know several people who own the Symbol and they are very happy with them.

On a audioclubmeeting wth about 20 persons, a setup wth Ayre/NBS and Symbol amazed the crowd.
If you can read dutch , here is the link .

ps. Did you ever heard the Symbols??