Kharma Mini or Avalon Eidolon diamond

This is a poll to know which speaker will you prefer, in relation to the quality of sound, RESALE value, easy to de drived by not high power amps and expensives.... , also which will be yours alternatives to these two models in the same league of price? Thanks
Ctchen: yes I can a bit as I´m half dutch. I´ve listened to the Avalon line very extensively when I was in the market for new speakers. I know about their qualities and their shortcomings. I know of two people who use Ayre CX-7e + Series 5 amplification and they were quite happy until they´ve listened to my Opus Ceramique which are miles a head. One of them bought recently my Opus C, the other one upgraded to Ayon Audio as i did myself. Thats audio life. Once you hear sth. better you´re on the upgrade path.
Ctchen: forget to add: best value in speakers is Ayon Falcon S followed by Magnepan MG 3.6 R.
You both guys should listen to the new Symbols, with the new ceramic tweeter. It is miles better than the Focal one (pictured in the link you send) and makes for a much better speaker overall, IMO.
Hi Frank,

nice to hear you have Dutch blood in your veins :-)!
I know that the bigger Avalons are better than the Symbols , would love to own the Opus or Eidolon ,one day...
Read about the Ayon but never heard it, will keep it in my mind.

Best Regards from Holland
Ctchen: give the Ayon Falcon S (€ 14.000,-) with very good tube amplification a listen. And then listen to Avalon Eidolon Vision (€ 25.000,-) with any electronics. You´ll never ever think about Avalon again. I swear it ;)
Avalon builds good speakers but MUCH to expensive (at least in Europe).
Can´t coment on the new Kharma Mini Exquisites although I know they are very well build and very nice to look at and their reputation is good although with € 30.000,- very expensive.