Looking for All-a-round speaker $3k range

Any sugg on what type of speaker is best suitable for all a round listening, including bands such as U2, Pink-F, Dave Mathews, The Red Hot Chile Peppers, Barry White, Hip-hop, old Disco etc.. There are so many brands yet very limted dealers in the Miami area.

Thank for the help.

I love my Spendor S8e's... they do all music exceptionally well. Just read all the reviews on these speakers... everybody seems to be of the same opinion. But, then listen to them, and see for yourself. I'm using them with a Musical Fidelity A5 CD Player, ARC VSi55 Tube Integrated Amp (50wpc) with SED Cyro KT88's, and, of course, MAC UltraSilver Cables. This is great sound that you don't have to mortgage your house for!
second the Legacy/VMPS idea, I own VMPS and my father has the Legacy speakers, mine are the FF3 SRE, and his are the Focus 20/20....both would serve you very well.
I agree with Mahandave here. I too am a *big* Merlin fan and find them excellent two-way speakers... That said, for Rock and the like, Legacy Audio indeed would be a good place to start. If you have a large room, you may be able to find some original Legacy Focus speaker (not the 20/20 model) for under 3K. If your room is medium sized, some used Legacy Signature IIIs will do nicely.
