Looking for All-a-round speaker $3k range

Any sugg on what type of speaker is best suitable for all a round listening, including bands such as U2, Pink-F, Dave Mathews, The Red Hot Chile Peppers, Barry White, Hip-hop, old Disco etc.. There are so many brands yet very limted dealers in the Miami area.

Thank for the help.

Hennryhk: How would you describe the difference between Druids and Gallo's, esp for classical?
Agree Merlins are o.k. but only a two way, not good for music needing full range speakers, and they are way overpriced. Plus, they sound their best only with expensive tube gear.

You can do WAY better for the $$.
Aktchi..I can only comment from brief experiences with both...my only exp is 2 hrs each at a retailer so take this with a grain of salt....plus I am more of a jazz/bluses/rock lover.

Gallo has more air and extension on the tweeter and perspective is bit more mid hall. I also listened with and without their bass amp and I definitely thought its better with it...without it I think it does not do bass as well as Druids which are stupendous...the mid range perspective is more upfront. both are coherent across the freq range, but the druids can be driven by basically anything so if you like low pwr SET amplification then Druids are definitely worth checking out...the dynamic capbility is simply stunning and ahead of the Gallos. At any rate, I think both are superb and well worth checking out in this price range, both are in their own way giant killers. I personally can afford something more and am looking into things, but if my budget was restricted to this....then these are the two I would be comparing ...and probably struggling too!
but going back to the orginal question....if rock etc....I think Druids would be better but of course individual tastes may differ...but Druids can really rock!