Wilson Benesch Discovery VS Proac D38

Howdy all,

I used to run old proac studio 250's with the system. I Took a big jump up $$ wise and went with the Discovery's. After living with the Discoverys for several months I feel I am not loving them as much as I thought I would.

I am considering changing back to Proac maybe 3.8 or D38 or even the D25's I'm not sure. I am hoping I can get some insight here.

I am not so good with the esoteric surpurlatives describing sound but the Proac's seemed more emotional, warmer in the middle. The soundstage of the Discovery's is huge but almost distracting. Don't get me wrong they sound great but I always feel like it just isn't perfect.

I would love to know what you all think and curious to how you would compare the two different types of speakers.

I run:

Audio Research LS25
J.A. Michell Gyro deck, Benz woodbody
Wilson Benesch Discovery
Tara labs Decade interconnects

Room size is approximately 13x30
It's a crappy room.... hardwood, glass and a vault that runs away from the speaker output from 8 feet to about 14 feet, but, it is what it is until I build my room next year. My new room will be smaller but not tiny 13x10ish. So future thinking is important too.

Thanks everyone

ps did I mention I like ARC gear too :)
If you like proac sound, you likely wont like the cooler and leaner WB sound. Go back to Proac. But the point is that itt would be tricky. D38 is fairly big loudspeaker. But, a warmer, nicer more musical sound than the WB.

"thinner" that is the perfect word for what I feel I am lacking. I think my WB sound better than my Proac studio 250's but there is an overwhelming charechter of the speaker that is differnt. "thinner" that's it.

Oh, my dream is to replace one day my Wilson Benesch Act One with a Proac Response 4 or D80. Wilson is an OK speaker, and with tubes you could get fairly nice soundprint. But Proac to my ears is the music itself. Of course, I think, synergy between loudspeaker and amplifier is very important. Actually, I heard the D25 with AudioResearch pre-power combo (plus meridian transport and wadia32 dac): that system was ok, but nowhere as magic as bigger proacs with naim or ear electronics. I think, that my actone-aronov combo was way better compared to that. But this is a hobby, where personal taste is the ultimate judge.
I run Proac 3.8's in a 13X24'room with vaulted ceilings. No problems whatsoever! I've also had the D38's in this room and did not like them as much. The D38s needed a little more break in time however they were just fine in the room.
I used to have Proac 1.5's and the smaller ones and although excellent sounding just don't give you the realism of a larger (ie taller) speaker. The height of the tweeter may have something to do with this as the 3.8's are quite a bit above ear level.
My understanding is the D38 are voiced more nuetrally than the 3.8s - liking one may not mean liking the other.