Another Dealer sets the Bar LOW

Just wanted to post my most recent experience with a dealer and new speakers. Went to get a pair of speakers and got talked into (my fault) what must have been the last new pair of a now discontinued speaker. Great deal (I thought) but got them home and their size and requirement for more power caused me concern. They are great speakers just a bit LARGE for some set-ups.

I went back to the dealer less than two weeks later (the earliest I could make the journey) and asked if I could trade them back in. I explained they were not working in my set-up.

Mind you I have purchased several things from this guy - I have been a good customer (again I thought). His idea of a deal was he would give me $700 less than what I paid for the floor model speakers against full retail for another set that would work better in my home.

The good news is in the end it all worked out and I am happy with the speakers and a new integrated I bought on Audiogon (more power). Thanks Audiogon and all the members for re-engineering the market and idustry to make it better. Retailers like this guy need to adapt and offer a higher level of service to survive.
I think maybe I have caused several people to misunderstand my comments. What does diferentiate a "bricks and mortar" store from the internet...I would think that it would be the service they can provide. I want the local retailer to survive and thrive.

Unlike when I go to Wal Mart when I go to an audiophiIe store I go to not only make a purchase but to seek their advice. I must trust that they will put my system and needs ahead of their own.

However, in the end as I stated before, I accept the transaction as my "bad". Let me say it again for you Onhwy61 I agree I need to deal with it and move on, and I will apologize if you felt I was whinning.

I appreciate your insight and value your comments. It is people like you that make this a great site.

Thank you for your time.
Here's a ''dealer'' story. I purchased a Sim Audio integrated amp a couple of years ago, on the dealer's word that the unit was a demo, and that it was current year production, with no technical issues whatsoever.

Could never get used to the Moon sound, so I sold it on the used market 3 months later.

The new owner checked with Sim Audio ( something I should have done myself but did not as I trusted the dealer), turns out the amplifier was over 2 years old, a traded-in unit (not a demo) and had been in service several times.

The guy I sold the amp to wanted his money back and was furious. It took it up with the dealer asking him for a partial refund, or a full refund - his choice. I made it clear that it was like I was sold a current year car with 10,000 miles on it, and it turned out to be a 3 year old car with 60,000 miles on it. Keep things simple with dealers, always.

He just would not do anything. I took it up directly with Sim Audio, A certain Mr. Kosta (or Costa). He would also not do anything,refusing to help me, not even curb his dealer that had taken me to the cleaners with this amplifier, on false information. He just defended his interest. I remember the Sim guy laughing at me when I told him that the dealer had confirmed current-year production - he said that the serial numbers on the units do not show production date, so I must have made this up.

So, I was left in the cold by the dealer. That's current practice. But to be left out by the manufacturer too, that qualifies for a lifetime membership in the avoid-at-all-cost club.

Never again for me with this dealer. Never again with anything with the Moon or Sim Audio badge on it. Talk about a Mickey Mouse operation.
Patriot, the only way brick and mortar dealers can survive is if they do provide superior service and advice. From your original post I did not take away that your complaint had to do with the advice the dealer gave you. At least it worked out in the end.

No need to apologize about me thinking you're whining. I'm whining about you whining.
I have never seen a situation where a sale made during inventory clearance (eg. selling the last pair of a discontinued model) allowed for a customer return in any industry. Blows me away that anyone would think they could return something like that.