Chinese Loudspeakers ARE GOOD

I believe that American economic ethnocentric view of the world has negated the low budget Audiophile the opportunity to enjoy excellent audio products.
I recently purchased a pair of Chinese loudspeakers that rival in manufacturing details and performance many North american and "Exotic" European products.
Having been in this hobby for more than 30 Years, I can brag on having listened to a lot of different speakers as well as to having devoloped a good "ear" to detect flaws on what I am listening.I've learned that MUSICALITY is what matters.
First, it is taken as a fact that Chinese Tubes or Valves are no Good. However, Siemens, Mullard and the like British Valves are "top of the line".That same prejudiced mentality, leads buying decisions all across the audio enthusiast world, be that, when buying cables to deciding on a CD player. Well , one thing is for sure, the prices asked for a quad of NOS tubes of the brands mentioned before is abusive, to say the least.
Besides, the Chinese also had enough intelligence and manpower to be a Nuclear Power.Do you think our bombs are better? We need to destroy the audio hype and promote the hobby by making it affordable to most people and not a status symbol. All for the love of music!
Having heard the performance to price ratio of products like Cayin, Ming Da and others, motivated me to buy a speaker by JINYON AUDIO CO. LTD called Elite Aesthet VI.
This speaker will blow you away and you will not spend $1500.00 on a pair, that is, if you can get a pair.
Check out the link below.
I think you confuse many people's desire to support manufacturers in their home country (or continent) with prejudice. Many people have been directly affected by outsourcing of jobs, and so they see that the less expensive Chinese import product also has hidden costs to our societies in North America and Europe.

I wish China all the best as it struggles to build a healthy middle class, but I don't like to see the rise of the Chinese middle class matched by the decimation of the US middle class. For all the talk of opportunity for American and European businesses in China it is largely that .. talk. For now the trade is almost entirely one way, thanks to our political (and business) masters, and a mercantilist Chinese development policy.
I wouldn't doubt the Chinese could build a good product. They've been building a lot of "Ours" for years. With a global economy, what American manufacturer has a piece of equipment that every part in it(of it) was manufactured in the USA? Where do all your CD transports come from?
I buy the best (too me) equipment I can afford. I use Vandersteen, Theta, Ayre, Audioquest and Acoustic Zen. Although these are reported to be "American" companies, I doubt any of them are foreign part free.
How many Toyota's are built in Japan anymore? Import tariffs are too high to do that.
I agree with Seandtaylor in principle. However, a lot of foreign car manufacturers are here now creating jobs. You can't look at anything as "Us vs them" anymore.
the products are well made and many sound world class. it is the disregard for intellectual property rights and child labor laws, among other things that need to be fixed. the brands that hide the fact they are made in china, and exploit the chinese (and the consumer) are the bad guys here.
i agree with all of the above statements and would like to add another. wages in china are 40 cents an hour material costs due to major bulk buying are ridiculously cheap so then why are all types of audio equiptment made in china just a little bit cheaper. audio equiptment should be at least 75% cheaper to reflect production and wage costs. lets not blame the chinese but the greedy bloodsucking few in northamerica whom we should not be supporting. it might cost a little more buy canadian or american help your neighbour to help you. orfe