Who makes speakers with relaxed high freq.?

I have a bright room. I don't want absorbing panels hanging in my room ( neither does my wife ). Thought I'd look for a speaker that may have a relaxed high freq. response.
Many speakers seem to be overly agressive in the high midrange and treble region. Even reviewers point this out with many models.
I'm looking for a small floorstander around $2000 used...maybe even a monitor speaker that has good bass extension. Any suggestions that may work for me without giving up too much?
I know...go listen. But I Have no stereo shops close by and it always sounds different when I get it home.
Definetely give the Vandersteens a listen. It's hard to imagine your not buying them if you do...
You can try to cover your tweeter with a cloth and see if you like the sound - some people are doing that.

You can make attractive looking room treatments - if you really wnat good sounds, that is the only way to go.

Lowther speakers might be what you are looking for.
Tsk, tsk, Gonglee... Lowthers are hardly relaxed up high + they cost a fortune as drive units (more when included in spkrs of course).

I would suggest (as others have) designs dating to early-mid '90s. Many spkrs were "laid back" then
Spendor for sure. Perhaps Audio Physic Virgos (but these need to be positioned well away from walls.
I would recommend a pair of Vienna Acoustics Mozarts, not very bright and plenty of bottom end to balance out any room interaction on the highs. Also you could just try a warm amp like a Conrad Johnson, or warm cables like Cardas Golden Cross....this would likely tame down any speaker.