Soliloquy 6.2i vs VS vr4jr , Zu Druid & Usher 6371

I have the Soliloquy's and have the ' upgrade' bug !
I am not able to sample equipment very easily and am looking to narrow down my choices here .
I am using an Audio Aero Prima integrated amp with a Granite 657 CDP .
While I don't have any real problems with this set-up I would like to improve on it .
My listening room is small at 11ft. X 12ft. thus I listen in the near field , @ 6ft. from the speakers . I do listen to rock music but usually at low volume levels as well as contemporary blues and some female vocalists like Diana Krall. I value good ole toe tapping head bobbing involvement most of all .
The only other speaker that I have any experience with is JM Labs Electra 926. I did not care for them as they did not have any 'heart' and were a little tizzy on the top end .
I would like to know how these choices would compare to my Soliloquys in my situation . Would these be a side ways move or an upgrade ? I realize that each one will have a different sound and would like to know what that difference is .
Any other moves from the Sols, that were an improvemnt, would be welcomed .
Thank you .
By the way don't forget, How many In-betweens can you really get with a SIngle driver full range, no crossover system?

In multi driver systems its a whole different world, Okay lets offer a Monitor 2way, Okay lets kick it up to a D'Appolito 2way for our next marketing step up, okay now lets take our Big monitor D'appolito 2way and Stack it on top of a bass cabinet with a 12", Okay lets now take our 2way and stack it on a Midbass + Woofer section for our Next step up using a 10" and a 13" driver, now we got a 4 Way system...

Opps I might have just described Infinity, Wilson, and nearly 99% of the speaker manufactures out there.. I am not bashing but making a point that a Single Driver Full range is a SINGLE driver full range, not many variations to build an In-between model just to hit a price point, so yes I think unfortunatly for those concerned will have to buy a Druid pair and an Extra box the method sub, and find 3 spots in a room to place them...
Matrix, your points about the Druid/Method combo is well taken, however I will not purchase a speaker system that utilizes sub woofers for several reasons that don't really need to be specified. Suffice to say it's something that I won't consider, and I'm certain there are others out there who feel the same. A $5500 full range loudpspeaker system makes perfect sense for a customer like me who doesn't want to pop for the $10k Definitions and doesn't have the space to allow for their proper placement.

Anyway, it's all discussion for the sake of discussion at this point in time.
Matrix: I wasn't being theoretical, I read somewhere (6moon?) that Zu is working on newer models. I am curious enough to see what will come out.

I have very good speakers and have no compulsion to buy now.

Theoretically, I don't agree with your analysis. Designers who could design a full range speaker for a large room should be able to design one for smaller rooms. Of course, Zu might (or not) have made a marketing desicion to let the subwoofer fill the middle slot, which may work for some, but I feel like Tvad, the subwoofer route is not for me.
I understand, but that was not my point, Definitions use Subwoofers on the back, so what else would they do to satisfy no subwoofer anyway that you are asking between the Druid and active Definition? I mean unless they run an active sub system with the druid nothing will solve the issues you are asking about.. minus the slim chance they would put a standard passive woofer system with crossover to be driven with the FRD full range driver in a single cabinet and come to a more conventional design, maybe bi-wire capable posts on the back..

Now I am coming to the conclusion that the Druid if placed at the 5500.00 mark and this discussion would not have existed and everyone would be Happy with the Tone on the low end the Druid at the mid point, and the Definition at the high as long as the numbers matched up?... That is just standard progression then.

So bottom line is your interest is not in Zu speakers, but in something that is not a crossoverless Full range system, so there is no void to fill in this type of design, see what I am saying? Now I could see them putting the definition front array by itself but you will still simply achieve the same as the druid with better dispersion and 3db better output maybe this is what you are looking at. So I am not sure what is being asked. But yes it was just to play devils advocate, I don't think much will be done that cannot be done now with the current Zu combos unless they have developed a whole new system using nothing like the drivers they are now, maybe a dual 5 inch full range or some other drivers completly, or simply a CUT in half Definition, 1 Full range, 1 Super tweet, Dual 10" instead of 4 10", but again this would be the same as running Dual Method Subs or even a Single with the standard Druid. I only jumped in cause I have interest in seeing what you guys think would be what is missing due to I can't figure what would solve this for less money than just adding the single subwoofer, AGAIN the definition is simply a 4 Driver sub system with set crossover electronically just not adjustable.

I am not a designer and I am sure nobody here is, but like I said if you were working with a handfull of Scan speak drivers with multiple crossover parts sure anybody can come up with "Bridge the Gap Models",,, I just don't see what to do beyond them eliminating the whole FRD driver system in the first place and it would not be the same style anyway.