Home made absorption panels.....

I would like to hear some good inexpensive ways to make absorption panels, particularly at first point of reflection.

Try the plants. Diffusion can work as effectively as absorption, IMO. You can also hang rugs or wall tapestries.

Take a look at the virtual system of Audiogon member "Perfectionist" to see what can be done with rugs.
Thanks Tvad, Perfectionist has quite a set-up. My problem still remains with the sliding glass door with vertical metal venetion blinds.

I`ll be using a corner set-up per bobby p`s suggestion for my merlins that are on order. Using a corner placement, I`m not sure sonically what will be experienced yet. Or, for that matter, where the ref. points would be.

I wonder if anyone else has used this corner set-up and what if any sonic benefits were achieved?
04-20-06: Capt369
Thanks Tvad, Perfectionist has quite a set-up. My problem still remains with the sliding glass door with vertical metal venetion blinds.
Replacing the metal vertical blinds with fabric vertical blinds will be a good start, but I'm sure you've already considered this.