Home made absorption panels.....

I would like to hear some good inexpensive ways to make absorption panels, particularly at first point of reflection.

If you want to use what pro recording studios use, as well as the manufacturers of high-end absorption panels, then you want what's known as "compressed fiberglass" or "rigid fiberglass."

Two of the more popular versions of this are the Owens-Corning 703 & Owens-Corning 705. This is a specialty item that you cannot find at Home Depot or Lowes, and depending on where you live, may have to be mail-ordered. If you can pick it up in-person at a supplier like I did, then after buying some spray-glue and fabric, you can make 2' x 4' x 2" thick pro acoustic panels for about $12 a pop! Compare that to the $50-$200 often charged.

Everything that you need to know is here: http://www.ethanwiner.com/acoustics.html

There's plenty to read & learn there to keep you busy for awhile. In fact I think that this site would be a great read for most A'goners.

I made myself a bunch of these and they much improved the acoustics of the room. And they look great too. They are also light-weight and easy to move around.

Good luck,
Studioray, thanks for that post. I intend to build a couple of those panels and the instructions will be helpful.
Gee that's funny, the link seems to be working for me, anybody else having problems with it? Here it is again:
