TV and/ or system rack between speakers...

I have a large tv that will have sit between the speakers. To what extent will this configuration screw up the sound stage?

In my experience, a tall vertical rack and/or big TV between --or just behind-- the plane of the speakers is the fourth cause of getting mediocre sound from high-end speakers (poor imaging). The third cause is speakers placed too close to the front wall/sidewalls (boom, no depth, spurious images). The second cause is speakers placed non-symmetrically in relation to rear wall and sidewalls (wrong soundstage, deformed images). The first cause --in order of importance-- is a squarish room or otherwise bad room (reinforced room modes with nasty, non-equalizable nulls). I understand WAF and all that, but I think of the wasted money when I see so many pictures of wonderful systems with all of the above. Sorry for the rant.
Vladimir, that was very helpful. Thanks. Because of your post, I`ve decided to place the speakers along the long wall and find a new location for the tv. Hell, I might sell the damn thing and just keep the one tv in the bedroom.