About the new Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 8

What are the differences between the Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 7 and the new Watt/Puppy 8? And how much is the MSRP of the new Watt/Puppy 8? Thanks.
You say - "By the way, if you read the Stereophile review of the MAXX they talk about how good they sound in a small room about the size of mine; don't believe them."

Don't worry, I don't believe anything that Stereophile says ( :
The description of design price changes are accurate...as I understand them. Recently I purchased the Sophia 2s...not the 7s, since I was aware...or suspicious that there was going to be an model change in the near future. If that wasn't the case I would have gotten the 7s....but will get the 8s instead. Against many other speaker models I felt that Wilson seems to handle all the real world tradeoffs that a speaker faces with the best balance of all the ones I listened to....They, for me in my room, provide the best reproduction of 1/2-15ips recordings I made with a stereo Neumann mike. While no speaker is perfect and no speaker can replace a live performance...Wilson's designs seem to provide smooth power response with correct time information...and thus do an excellent job....the list of other speakers with that capability is very short...IMHO. Given their performance and quality of construction and ruggedness I think Wilson prices are fair...remembering this is an elite product (part of my background includes managing the design and manufacture of loudspeakers)...it costs a great deal to take the last few steps towards Nth performance...which is what I sought....
Hikejohn; The Zu Definitions are easily as dynamic and more musical than my MAXX were even in my large CA room. I have never had a speaker present so much information so effortlessly. The Definitions have no cross over and if you buy the Pro version and connect the woofers to an outboard amp they can reproduce 16Hz. They are super efficient at 101db/watt; incredibly easy to drive; have a 12 inch square foot print and best of all they only cost $9k. Very few people who have demonstrated them and allowed them to properly break in 400 hours have returned them. Do yourself a favor and demo a pair. Check out the link below and go to the second page and see the picture of Archie, who lives close by in Scottsdale, AZ who traded in his Alexandria's for the Definitions. I was a happy Wilson owner; had MAXX's for five years and Watt/PUppy 5.1's for three and I enjoy the Zu's best of all. It's your $28k; but why rush when there are other very viable options for less money.

From what I can tell from Zu's web site and from my experience in the speaker world I suspect their approach isn't one that appeals to me....but the bottom line is that I use products that sound correct to me....but Zu's specification information wasn't particular communicative in a useful fashion....glad you like them....
you obviously had MAXX l's and not the MAXX ll's as the latter so far and away outperform your Zu's that there is just no contest.

Sorry to be off topic BUT please try not to mislead readers here