Peak Consult Princess speakers?

Has anyone had first hand experience with the Peak Consult Princess speakers. If so, what are your thoughts on how they perform - resolution, soundstage, PRAT, etc. Thank you kindly for your thoughts and opinions.
Hey guys,

Couldn't help but notice the discussion here. As the importer for Peak, I can tell you that extremely few loudspeakers are built as well with as many truly high-end components and materials. In that regard, by comparison, I think Peaks are actually underpriced. This may sound like hyperbole, and I understand that. But I know these speakers inside and out, and they simply embarass others costing much much more. Add to that the stunning technical measurements which no other manufacturer has yet been able to equal, and you've got a fairly unique package.

THAT SAID, I want to introduce you to InCognito-X. It's hard to call a $16,500.00/pair loudspeaker a screaming bargain ... but this one truly is. It will stand toe-to-toe with whatever reference you can put up against it. Beauty and ease, effortless with an ability to throw vast soundstages and project convincingly 3-D images within. This speaker is a KILLER.

I've just popped an ad up explaining in more detail, and I'll be demonstrating InCognito-X at the HE-2006 show in Los Angeles. If you're planning on attending, you can get an earful by visiting us at room 381 in the Sheraton Gateway Hotel. (more info: )


ingognito X and Magico is the definition of overpriced speakers, regardless of performance.
But it's highend after all!
So jaded ... that you can at once insist that Sonus Faber is NOT overpriced and then level that criticism at InCognito-X ... why? Peak Consult is a long-established company in Europe, over 10 years in business. Per Kristoffersen is easily one of the most talented designers in all of audio, and his crossover designs and performance parameters have not been equalled by any other designer anywhere.

Peak speakers are built better than any other loudspeaker that you or I know of, perform beyond their price point by a tremendous margin - and yet, you make unwarranted attacks. You seem to know little or nothing about Peak, but you have such a strong opinion about them. Why?

What's your stake in this argument? Why would go go through so much trouble to defame a loudspeaker and company that you have no experience with or knowledge of?

Come to the show in Los Angeles and have a listen for yourself - at least then you might have something to say about InCognito-X. For now, it seems that you're just a little TOO aggressive for having no personal experience with the speaker ... seems almost personal.

Hard to understand, considering how amazing the Peaks actually are.
Well Kops, believe what you want, you may even be able to fool some poor souls into believing that as well but the facts always proves itself.
I'd like to clarify my own remarks about the "overpriced" statement,by me.I ONLY meant this taking into account that the U.S. dollar is weak,and I believe that products,like Peak,coming in from Europe can be(not all,btw) very pricey as compared to other sourced products.They do seem to be nice products,but sounded a bit darkto me,when heard at the "Singer" demo during the Stereophile Show last year.It could easily have been the rooms/set-up.
Also---Stereovox,what is the minimal load of the fascinating El Diablo model.It is listed as a 7 ohm load,but what is the minimum,not nominal.Also,correct me if I'm incorrect,but it seems this is a full range design that can be driven by very low power tube amps.

Any comments would be appreciated,by me.
