Peak Consult Princess speakers?

Has anyone had first hand experience with the Peak Consult Princess speakers. If so, what are your thoughts on how they perform - resolution, soundstage, PRAT, etc. Thank you kindly for your thoughts and opinions.
I'd like to clarify my own remarks about the "overpriced" statement,by me.I ONLY meant this taking into account that the U.S. dollar is weak,and I believe that products,like Peak,coming in from Europe can be(not all,btw) very pricey as compared to other sourced products.They do seem to be nice products,but sounded a bit darkto me,when heard at the "Singer" demo during the Stereophile Show last year.It could easily have been the rooms/set-up.
Also---Stereovox,what is the minimal load of the fascinating El Diablo model.It is listed as a 7 ohm load,but what is the minimum,not nominal.Also,correct me if I'm incorrect,but it seems this is a full range design that can be driven by very low power tube amps.

Any comments would be appreciated,by me.

Hi Speedy,

Show systems can be hit or miss. It's very hard to get placement right within the time constraints of a show. At home or in the studio I tend to take many days and even weeks to dial in speakers, as I think many others do, as well. Show conditions are typically unreasonable environments to make good buying decisions, but we do our best given the situation to make things sound as good as possible.

As for the "Euro Offset" - it is challenging, but I have both negotiated with the manufacturer and taken smaller margins for myself (approaching chairity, in some cases...) to make the Euro less of an issue. Thus, if the Euro would actually fall back into place, our prices would remain more or less in line with Peak prices around the world.

Regarding the impedance of the Diablo. 7 Ohms nominal is also fairly characteristic throughout the band. Peaks are famous for very very linear impedance. I'll send you an impedance and phase plot for El Diablo to your address so you can see just how stable and beautiful these speakers are, electrically speaking.
Sorry - I forgot to answer your query about tubes.

Because the impedance is so benign (see the email that I sent to you with the impedance and phase plot of El Diablo) all amplifiers are treated very gently and allowed to perform at their best ... no strain at all.

Depending on the size of your room and how much output you really want from the speaker, Diablo can get to extremely respectable levels with 15-20 high quality tube-watts. In a fairly small room you might even be able to get away with a sub-10-watt amplifier - but don't expect too much from the low frequencies. You may get extension, but you won't get the same kind of control that you'd get from a 100-watt Push Pull ...
Stereovox - first, many thanks for the detailed information. I would really appreciate your opinions on the Peak Consult Princess standmounts compared to the InCognito X? What would the sonic differences be between the two? I mention the standmounts since the InCognito X are 2-way speakers as are the Princess stand mounts. Many thanks in advance.
Stereovox,when E-mailing me leave out the last"0".It's 7068!I am very interested in the El Diablo,but in all honesty would not be a serious prospect for a couple of years,as I am moving then.