Peak Consult Princess speakers?

Has anyone had first hand experience with the Peak Consult Princess speakers. If so, what are your thoughts on how they perform - resolution, soundstage, PRAT, etc. Thank you kindly for your thoughts and opinions.
Hi Kops,

Nothing wrong with the SF Amati Anniversario - we all choose the flavor we like, and I respect that. No matter the designer or brand, there is always something that a 2-way loudspeaker can do that 3-way or more cannot do - and that is the beauty of the InCognito-X. You get the 2-way magic that cannot be had in any other combination, but you also get the full range and dynamics.

In this way InCognito-X cannot be compared to a 3-way at all, so you are right - Amati vs. InCognito-X would be an unfair comparison because a 2-way will always have some small advantage over a 3-way. A 2-way is less complicated and there are fewer wave interference and conversion issues, so they tend to create a more organic and whole presentation.

This is why I think some people simply just fall in love with 2-way monitors and can't get what they crave from 3-way speakers. If you ever get the chance to hear InCognito-X ... ;-)
Stereovox,your overall "web" demeaner is reason enough,for me,to want to do business with you,at a future point.Thanks for being so direct,as well as seemingly genuine!
Hi Speedy,

Thanks for the kind words. Did you get the impedance and phase plot I sent for Diablo? It's a beaut, it's for real, and I've never seen anything like it except maybe from a ribbon or a resistor.

If you're out in LA (I'm here now), come to the show and have a listen, we'll have some fun. I went to Amoeba to buy some records today - just a little fun, picked up some interesting titles. David Bowie narrates Peter and the Wolf, Ormandy conducting, RCA Red Label on green vinyl. Frampton Comes Alive (always fun for live concert stuff), Stan Ridgeway/Mosquitos, Loose Fur/Born Again in the USA, Brian Eno/Apollo Atmospheres and Soundtracks ... I've got some Jazz and Classical that I sent ahead for the show, as well (The Bernstein Conducts Bernstein Candide overture is gigantic!).


Stereovox,what would you consider to be the "best" amps to drive the Diablo with?Please be specific,for mid size room.