Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?

This post is just to get a general ideas among audiophiles and audio enthusiasts; to see who really likes what. Here's the catch!

If you were restricted to a budget of $10,000, and wanted to assemble a system, from start to finish, which format would you choose, 2 channel or mulichannel?

I'll go first and say multichannel. I've has to opportunity to hear a multichannel setup done right and can't see myself going back to 2-channel. I'm even taking my system posting down and will repost it as a multichannel system.

So...pick your poison! Which one will it be, 2-channel or multichannel.
If its OK with everyone, please refer back to the question I posted yesterday. It would be interesting to hear everyones views.

After giving it some thought, maybe some are confused as to the location of the previously posted question. Either that or many are still processing the very basic explanation. So...that being said I've copied it below.

-------Question primarily for 2CH'rs, but all are welcome to answer-----------

Is everyone aware that the very essense of MC is durived from the same principles of 2CH? Here's the easiest and most practical way I can explain it. Its like getting the same stereo magic between each of the 5 speakers. You know how when a 2Ch setup is locked in, the sound stage is detailed, deep and wide? Now imagine, if you will, this same phenomenon taking place, when done correctly, 5 times over. The results are truely amazing, not a gimmick.

Not only that but the purpose of the five is to really perform like one! Lost you didn't I. You see, when the 5 have been setup and calibrated properly, it creates a 360 degree soundfield. This is just as if your hearing the instrument or voice in front of you (in its orginial intended placement) and the reverb, echo attack and decay, ect...all around you. As if the performance was taking place in the room with you.

I'm really starting to see that people don't understand what I and other are getting at. It can be a tough concept to grasp at first. Trust me it was tough for me too. But when someone with more experience and complete understanding took me through the process, it clicked. Then I was able to replicate this same thing myself...on my system. My system has its limitations, more than what my mentor's system had. But the same principles apply. The results were still similar. Similar enough to know I knew what I was doing.

I have a long ways to go, but I'm on the right track.
Judging my the lack of dialog I would assume 1 of 2 things, either everyone is just so asstounded they can't comment or no one really cares.

Sad part about it is, this forum is missing information such as this, practical information. Not spend another $800 for .5 meter speaker cable or switch out the components until you find the "right match", no matter how long that takes or how much it costs. If you don't, then you'll never achieve a holistic sound or warm smeared feeling to everything you play.

But hey, "you'll" get tired of component swapping and spending money only to get more frustrated because you're still in the same place you were before. Only this time you'll have even less money and 4th or 5th-hand used components.

When the times comes, practicality will be here, and so will MC.
Hi CDwallace,
My poision is without a doubt multichannel!!! I have been listening to multichannel since 1971--yes quad 8tracks and reel to reel as well as matrix surround. To date the greatest component developed yet is the Angstron 200. I say this because I have not heard either dts or DD sound better. But the real magic is the Mike Moffitt's algorythem of matrix surround sound from 2ch cd. I have not heard a 2ch source that hasn't sounded richer a fuller than with the simple matrix! The only disappointment has been with SACD mc. To much noise and distorion in rear channels. For discreet surround nothing surpasses dts in mho. Long live mc!!
Madhf...thanks for the post. Glad to see someone who enjoyed MC from its infant stages until now. If you loved MC then, I can only amagine how much you're enjoying MC of today. Technology can be a wonderful thing. Viva MC!!!