Your best picks for 2006 Best Speakers under 4K.

As we are approaching mid year 2006, maybe we can have a list of the 3 best speakers you've heard for this year. I havent gotten around to listening much, hope to later this year.
So what are your 3 best under 4K?
for around 4k, the totem mani 2's, around 2k the totem model 1's. i listen to these every day. 3rd pick would be Von schweikert VR 4 Jr's.
I would like to refine the question to full range loudspeakers...those that go down to 30hz minimum. Could be floorstanders or monitors.

Maybe this could be a subset. In any case, it'd be helpful for those making recommendations to specify whether the suggested speakers are full range, or not.

Hope that's OK with you, Bartokfan.
The three best speakers in no particular order are...Mahmoud Abbas, Kim Jong-il, and Natalie Maines. I don't understand what they're saying, but I find them interesting.
Tvad I would expect if someone is paying 3 or 4K for a speaker, it should be go as low as 30 hz. I wanted to keep the price reasonable, at 4K. But then 30 hz's would be any driver at 10 inches. A 8 inch woofer I do not believe will go to 30. Any suggestions?