Why shouldn't I bi-wire Wilson Watt/Puppies 6

I just aquired a pr of WWP6's and saw in a review that "Wilson will void the warrentee if one bi-amps or bi-wires these speakers". I have a pr. of bi-wire Nordost SPM reference that I would like to use but this has got me scratching my head. I just set the room this morning using a pr. of Cary 805b amps. The speaker wires are plugged into the 8ohm and 4ohm taps on the Carys and then bi-wired to the Wilsons. Nothing has been turned on yet as I had to go to work, (where I'm writing this from;-) If anyone can enlighten me as to any possible problems from this setup, it would be appreciated. I don't want to have to wait to talk to Wilson on Tues before playing some tunes!
The adapters you refer to are from Nordost? Hooked up and running now, sound very good but in no way do I think I'm close to having the speakers setup in position, etc. Just connected a REL studio II that will also need attention to make "fit". I'm so damn tired tonight that I'll just be listening to things as they are:).
Thnx for the input!
The adapters ...not sure if Nordost makes them. Try going to AudioAdvisor.com, they should have something that will do it...several brands I'm sure...
Jfrech, just curious. Are you saying the entire crossover is in one cabinet and the jumper that feeds the other cabinet is being fed a signal that has already gone through the crossover? If so that would explain why they don't want you to biwire or biamp, you would be bypassing the crossover for one cabinet as you stated.

When new don't they come with the jumper ? The puppy tail?
Herman: No, there are 2 crossovers. The Watt (bass/mid and top) is inside the top section. The low bass to bass/mid is in the bottom section. The Watt's are full range speakers and sound great by themselves. The puppy's add the low end. And seroius kick in the low end.

The puppy tail is essentially connecting one cross over to another...not a traditional bi wire...