WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...
"... all the Wilson bashing threads I've been seeing just strike me as sour grapes."

I am fortunate enough at present to be able to afford Wilson speakers if I chose to, as are a great many other people who also don't like them. I am sure there are reasonable people who like Wilson speakers, but I confess I tend to assume a large portion of Wilson owners have purchased them on reputation and not through serious competative auditions. This is, I’m sure, grossly unfair to some who have carefully made their choice, but I will say that the local Wilson dealer raves about them in his store and then goes home to listen to his active ATC SCM-50’s. And who can blame him?
I guess some of the naysayers think the profit should be less;then Wilson could go under--like some other speaker makers?? I figure it's better to be bashed on a regular basis than to not be spoken of,at all??
Even though I'm not crazy about the
Wilson sound, or like their ads and very high prices: This is America. Wilson can charge whatever he wants. Fair? Not a factor. We have the freedom to buy or not to buy? Many factors are involved in speaker purchase for some, and sound isn't always the deciding factor. IMO, the cream usually comes to the top. Bottom line?-- if their speakers do not deliver the goods, they will ultimately go under. The Mont Blanc ball point pen that goes for a $100? I know for a fact costs them $6 to manufacture. Unfair to charge a retail of $100? Of course not. Outrageous? Maybe, but they certainly sell oodles of 'em. It always boils down to "what the market will bear." New York's Newsday has bashed teachers for years. Whether rightfully so, or not, teachers complain the hell about it, but still purchase the paper. If every teacher decided to stop purchasing the paper, do you think things might change?
I find it funny that so many of the Zu Cable speaker owners are criticizing the Wilson. Isn't it fun to be gunned for when you are at the top.

Most Wilson owners do compare speakers prior to purchase. They have also probably owned several high end speakers prior to owning a pair of Wilsons. Quite often they base their decisions on proferssioanl experience including studio experience or playing in an orchestar etc. I am sure this would suprise many of the bashers out there. So many fellow Wilson owners do in fact play instruments or are involved in the industry in either recording or manufacturing of equipment that it is impossible to ignore. Mind you any manufacture can get an accomodation from any speaker manufacturer so don't use that as an argument against this point.

Your local Wilson dealer you refer to does love the Wilson Maxx IIs. I know who you are talking about. He often does private demos for people & loves the Maxx IIs. The fact that he owns ATC's is indicative of his love for a 2nd type of sound at home. The ATC's are an active speaker & in that regard will sound incredible in ways the Wilson can not. I do love quite a few speakers but the ones for me that have the least amount of compromise and the best overall balance are Wilson Speakers. That is for my ears & my opinion. If Dave Wilson gets rich from this good for him. He has spent years in developement & is "there" so he can charge a premium. Won't you pay more to go to the best car mechanic if you own a Ferrari even though a lesser mechanic can do the same work most of the time? Just to be sure?
It is so exciting, after several head to head fights directly with Wilson, to see them reducing their dealer counts. It is also great to see them having loads of issues with quality control. Many issues like the plastic 'save the finish' wrap, when removed from NEW speakers is actually PEELING the finish off. Great job Wilson.

I don't dislike the sonic characteristics of the entire Wilson line, rather feel they are acceptable even for the price. However, their customer service, business practices, and now quality control drives me to every speaker but their own. Any, quite frankly, that is a good thing. I would be one person that would entertain the idea of Wilson folding.

Selling $20,000 average proiced speakers requires better service. Surely reducing dealers can't HELP margins, but maybe making fewer will help get it right.