WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...
It is so exciting, after several head to head fights directly with Wilson, to see them reducing their dealer counts. It is also great to see them having loads of issues with quality control. Many issues like the plastic 'save the finish' wrap, when removed from NEW speakers is actually PEELING the finish off. Great job Wilson.

I don't dislike the sonic characteristics of the entire Wilson line, rather feel they are acceptable even for the price. However, their customer service, business practices, and now quality control drives me to every speaker but their own. Any, quite frankly, that is a good thing. I would be one person that would entertain the idea of Wilson folding.

Selling $20,000 average proiced speakers requires better service. Surely reducing dealers can't HELP margins, but maybe making fewer will help get it right.
"I find it funny that so many of the Zu Cable speaker owners are criticizing the Wilson. Isn't it fun to be gunned for when you are at the top."

Ha, criticizing wilson? No way Zu owners criticize all other speakers..
But seriously where did anybody specifically put Zu against wilson? I mentioned some direct non-advertising companies above but that was all.. Tyler, Vmps, Zu?

To keep it constructive however not picking on Wilson, but the question was "WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value" and All the big audio firm's KRELL, Audio Research, Mark Levinson etc.. Are guilty of the same thing. If it costs that much more to build these type units than I don't know how to explain the little guys surviving at half the cost.
Porschecab - Have you personally had a bad experience with wilson speakers or their service and quality? Or do you feel such strong hate towards Wilson because of what you've heard other people say?
I heard the Wislon line 5 yrs ago in New Orleans, was not impressed in the least. They could price em at whatever, I'm not interested. Then throw in the weight issue and amkes me wonder how/who/why anyone would buy. What Mr Wilson should explain is that they put big $$$'s in ads so they can keep the hype up and runnig hot.
Goatwuss -

Great moniker, from what/where is it derived?

My experiences are directly related to first hand experiences in several situations. This is not supposed to be a Wilson bashing on my part, just trying to get my point of not caring if their margins are indeed poor.