WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...
Hi Pip, I mean, Macro

Nice history and economics lesson. Outside of the agenda, it's a nice try.

Please tell me of all the speakers you've _personally_ auditioned that are better for less money--as if there could ever be such a thing related to ones _preferences_. And of course you've had a current in home sampling of which Wilson products, when, which models?

The "best"? There's no such thing, and I never stated that. I merely pointed out a market arbiter of value, one of the only "valid" ones available to us, er, snobs/dupes as you accuse. Which is it? If I'm a dupe, that'd make it hard for me to be a snob. :) Cadillac? You really are on a flight of fancy, eh?

You have a point regarding product changes, there have been a number of them the past few years. However, I don't think the recent changes are for Market reasons, rather, from my experience, Wilson speakers have improved dramatically since the Watt 6, which I never would have purchased because of it's IMO forward, analytical character. Nor did I like the original MAXX or Grand Slamm, finding them overly dry in the uper freq's and, well, stiff sounding-- unlike my previous fave, the Audio Physic Calderas.

I believe the Wilson speakers have evolved a great deal, starting with the Sophia, into a very coherent, time accurate line that has found a balance--rich mids, more linear treble, better pitch differentiation (earleir models (6) (5.1)had mid-bass and mid-treble issues).

Are the newer models perfect? Of course not, I can pick nits, as I can after long term audition or ownership of any speaker. Are there "better" speakers for less? Who do you wish to appoint as the arbiter of quality and value? You?
I demur to your stated expertise..

I drive a Toyota Minivan not a caddy, have two little ones and a pretty serious mortgage. I stretched to buy the MAXX2's, stretched to build a room for them (thanks Richard) and get the rest of my gear, Atmashere MA2 amps, Audio Aero Prestige CD, racks, room treatments etc.

I've a right to my choices and aknowledge they might not be for everyone. I'm not the one on these boards shouting "scam" and calling people "dupes".

There are lot's of great, maybe even better sounding systems that can be had for less $ than mine. But I'm really happy with my choices, and it bothers me to see contextless posts, slamming what I think are decent products with little to no context or responsibility.

Your post sums up my previous points regarding the net, and the fact that anyone is free to target and defame, without risk.

It's ok to disagree, it's ok to have an opinion that is contrary. Open dialogue is fine. Your sarcastic comments exist outside that realm.

You're the one with the "Cadillac" metaphorically. Enjoy it.

I had no problem with your opinion or comments, I was responding to general comments in the thread, not you specifically.

Best regards.
Thanks for understanding Samuel. I've been around audio for 30 yrs and I feel my ears have a pretty good judgement. I'm known for telling it like it is. I'm straight up, if I step on toes of famous brands, sorry, its the way I am. I suspect we will have more truth and less hype as the yrs go by. As it is this hobby is still in the hype stage.

Nice call. I like the Dali and Devore speakers too, based on what I've heard at shows.

Keep in mind, that the head units of the Maxx2 and X2's need to be precisely calibrated to listener distance and height, so it's possible-in any "dealer showroom" demo, that the performance might not gel based on set up.

That said, speaker preference is more of a personal choice than _any_ other product in this hobby, and everyone has a different opinion. Many think they have it "figured out" or think they can intelligently dump on products they don't own and have scant experience with. That's a lot of what I see in this thread, outside the last couple posts.

The people that have it "figured out" are those that follow their own path, while understanding that there is no "best" or "greatest value", and don't judge companies or hobbyists because "they know better". Largely, the "I'm smarter than you" crowd are the people with the least experience and the greatest need to pad their ego.

The rest of us are just hobbyists with an open mind--and too often--an open wallet. :)
When did this turn into whether wilsons are the best? Got nothing to do with WHAT DO YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY? PERFORMANCE Vs. PRICE Ratio as the thread originally started..

I agree profit margin has nothing to with sound or PRICE Vs. Value, who cares if wilson makes 5000.00 a pair Or 50,000 a pair in the end, it has to do with ARE you getting a Performance Relevant to the price, Fine you love wilsons, Okay I'll play and say so do I! But are they truely worthy of the cost, Nothing is it just depends on how much more a certain company can Gouge out at this point, discussion if they are Good Scan speak multi driver designs or not is irrelevant to the question, they are good, but they are not 4 times better than a comparable designed speaker at 1/3 the cost everytime, people buy Wilson kinda like ferrari, they have the money, and it does what they feel it needs to do, but yes there is a 80,000 Mercedes that can be just as enjoyable and effective for the main 9 out of 10 points that the ferrari hits at 200,000.. You decide if status, Fancy finish with spacelike material suits you in the end. Sound is not even a factor at this point, cause of course you can do better than a 130,000 dollar speaker for far less money.