Suggestions on an integrated amp for Merlin TSMM

Looking for a moderate priced integrated amp for the merlin TSM M's. Any suggestions?
Joule Vamp, Manley Stingray, the Ars Sonum which is imported by Merlin. For very affordable, the Audio Analogue Puccini SE is really good! Cheers,

Audio aero prima mk1 can be picked up, used, in these adds for around $600. 6922 tube in the pre which you can roll to get the sounds you want....mosfets in amp section. 40w per channel.

Sweet, seductive but detailed. Perfect for merlin tsm`s imo. YMMV of course.
There is an Audio Note Soro SE for sale on Agon right now. This is easily in the same league as the Manley Stingray and better as far as I am concerned. Give it a try...
lots of great suggestions, prima luna with el 34s and stingray as step up to it for tube amps. an older pucinni with a good power cord for ss and even the rega brio works very well too.
bobby at merlin
While He Would Not Mention It Here Due To Rules Bobby Is The North American Distributer Of An Unreal Little Integrated Amp Whose Name Eludes Me. I Have Heard Unbelievably Great Things About It And You May Want To Ask Him About It Via Phone. He Wouldnt Sell It If It Didnt Integrate Well With His Speakers. Forgive The Caps As I Am Writing From My Cell