Watt Puppy 8 vs. Zu Definition

There is quite a heated debate here on both of these loudspeakers. While I much prefer the build quality and appearance of the Wilson's, I want to comments on the absolute sound quality between the two. Please comment only if you have actually heard both of these speakers and tell me which one you think ultimately sounds more musical.
Undertow: 'gonna be some heat on this one..." Further the fire if I may, if AW will exceuse my impoliteness.
Wilson versus Zu versus Tyler. But like THsaman points out the Wilson's are not out, but at least the older version can be used, and the Zu's have very limited distributorship, though we do have owners opinions to go by.
Man this should get interesting.
Tvad, to me, musical is simply a way to describe a listening experience during which you get goosebumps and then want to get up and run around dancing in your listening room.
06-14-06: Awiavac
Tvad, to me, musical is simply a way to describe a listening experience during which you get goosebumps and then want to get up and run around dancing in your listening room.
OK, fair enough. Based on that description, I can't offer any useful contribution...but I understand what you're after.
Awiavac: "...a listening experience..." There is the trained ear, and the neophyte, and all grades of listeners inbetween. I'd say it takes me less time at present to determine what the character of the speaker is. Character meaning the 4 or 5 main important attributes in speaker voicing. Less time now because of the Seas I have. Pre-ownership of Seas', I need at least 2 to 3 hours to get the feel of a speaker. Honestly after being around so many speakers over the apst 30 yrs i can assume whether I'll like a speaker or not. Usually that is. Planars/ribbons I'm neutral on opinion. Its the cone that I've got a knack for. When I first took a Seas out the box for purposes of sending to a DIYer yrs ago, I said , ah now here's a driver. and so it turned out to be. Apologies to barge in on a Wislon topic like this. The B&W 602 sounded fine at the showroom, or somewhat OK lets say. But 2 yrs later all the weaknesses were fully exposed. man was I wrong, but was a learning experience.
I heard both speakers at the audio show in LA earlier this month. It's really hard to compare them both, especially given the different rooms, electronics (Zu had much more modest source and preamp on hand relative to the Wilson room) and short listening session. I really liked both and am guessing the Zus are much better bang for the buck. However, I did find that the Zu Definitions did not provide a presence at the bottom-end to match the Wilsons. the Zus excelled well in other areas but didn't have the presence of the Wilsons.