Paradigm Studio- 40s, 60s, or 100s

I have a room that is approximately 18x14, these will be powered with a Parasound 2205(200x5). I will be using a CC-570 down the road for the center. My main concern is the spacing, I will only have about 7' where these speakers will be straddling a Pioneer Elite 50" plasma. I really want the 100s but I think the 40s or 60s will be a better fit for my current set-up. I have a sunfire sub for LFE....
I would go with the 40's. I use to own a pair of 40'. I listened to both the 40' & 60's. Ended up with the 40's because they image better. And with the sub you won't miss much that you would have with the 100's.
i have a similar sized room...13x18... i ended up with the 40's and b&w 700 sub. To me the sound was oh so better than the 100s. I also went with the cc470. I found the cc570 to be alittle on the "large size" in both footprint and sound when matched with the 40's. Studio 20s in the back. I power this with a rotel 1075 (5x120). No regrets-
I will agree with the others that the 100 is not the best sounding, but I do like the 60's in my HT setup. I also use a sub. My room is 15x25x8.
100s for me. Went through most of the Studio line, wound up w/ the 100s up front (though still keep the 60s right there next to 'em to A/B every now & then), 20s in back. Just sounded better - fuller, richer, more naturally carbonated, whatever. And occasionally kick-a$$, when needed.

But that said, you should now ignore us and do your own A/B if you can. It's your money, your ears, and our hot air. YMMV.