HELP Horns, Stats or Conventional Speakers

OK I am in the market for a new set of speakers and I have narrowed it down the these three types.
Stats, Horns. Conventional and Bose.

Music tastes are very eclectic from The Pistols to Joan Armartrading to Classical to 80s new wave stuff.
I also use my speakers for H/T but this is the least of my concerns.

So with a bank roll of about 5k (Used) do I go for stats horns (I Love the look of the Avantgarde) or Conventional speakers.

To help you make that decision for me I have the following information.
The room is a converted two car garage 17' X 13' X 9" high
I listen to digital > Denon 3910 and vinyl > Romance via a CJ PV15 and Antique Sound Labs Hurricanes Mono

I just sold my Ref3s as I found them less than exiting.
I have listened to System Audio SA 1750s and find the small fast drivers to be a better sounding speaker (to me) than speakers with larger drivers.
I like the speed of multiple small drivers as opposed th the 10" woofers. and they are cheap (Less than 2K)

I am at a total loss as the stuff I am looking at will be bought unheard so I need your opinions to try to help me decide.

And that constructive help will be much appreciated.

One of the most common descriptors for the entire line of Triangle speakers is FAST. They are often said to have electrostaic type speed. I have only owned the low end Triangle Titus. They were very fast sounding, but a little bright and somewhat lean. However,they were the low end and only a small bookshelf speaker.

A larger Triangle floorstander might be just the ticket. They are very affordable used, so you could buy them, try them and re-sell them if you didn't love them. You would likely only lose the cost of shipping if you bought a pair at a good price.


Planar speakers are a disappointment with rock usually. A planar hybrid like a Vmps speaker will excel in the area. I became a dealer for Vmps and have them in my listening room. Check out their forum at and do a google on reviews and see why.

When it comes to a type or even a brand of speaker you'll find different designers have their own idea on how to design a speaker. The sound will vary considerably for the same price from one brand to another. Only you can decide which speaker sounds best to you. With all the variation in sounds from speakers I highly recommend listening to everything you can.

Many of us stick with one type. Many people like horns and small tube amps. Others like cones and people like me like my hybrid planar speakers. These three types of speakers will sound so different from one another that you're the only one that can make the decision.
You could also look at Eminent Technology. I'm currently listening to a pair of LFT-8As. These planar hybrids fill my small dedicated room very well with fast, detailed sound. Quite a bit less than your budget but they are nice for the money. Worth a look.
Thanks for all the feedback I have been thinking......gonna buy the Stats, not gonna buy the stats, gonna buy the stats, not gonna buy the stats.

Realistically I am the only one who will listen to these so that tiny 18" sweet spot is OK but then if I do go for them I have to find a center for my HT and as I have A'Divas for the surround and Micros for the back it would seem that I have a hodgepodge of different speakers all doing there own thing but the chance of them all coming together in a magical wall of sound is kinda like the USA winning the world cup. NOT BLOODY LIKELY! although 1-1 against Italy with 9 men was a good effort.
Sorry I digress
If I look at this from what I need and not that will work because it is so specialized it must sound good the Stats are history and the horns as Plato said how do I match a center.
I am leaning toward the Talons although they are out of business they have a very positive write up.
I also thought of Piegas 8s the drives are small I have heard the 10s and they had a sound I liked but they are way outta my price range does anyone have any thoughts on the 8s.
Are the Talons fast I know they have bass but are they too much speaker for a 17X13X9' room

Once again my heartfelt thanks for the feedback and advise