Anyone have thoughts on the Peak Consult Zoltans?

These have gotten a great review,recently.They are very efficient,and an easy load,which goes a long way.The review states that they are superior to the Watt/Puppies AND 45,000 dollar Kharma Mini.Of course it was one man's opinion,but the design priorities(can easily be driven with the finest low powered tube units)and build quality seem impressive,hence my quest for some meaningful feedback.
These speakers are priced very similarly with the Avalon Diamonds,but,though I do love Avalon stuff,I am beginning to believe the easier load,and drive capability surely must equate to a better listening experience.Am I wrong,here?

Thanks in advance!!
Show conditions.Not surprising.Actually when I bought my current Ascents I did not care for them,yet had that certain "feeling".Same with the Peaks.Hope this quells your obstinance!
In fairness I have "scoped out" the latest offerings by Usher!!They definitely DO look to be incredible bargains!!
Keeping abreast of the latest technology in drivers,and nice meaty cabinet weight,and stunning looksAnyone have exposure to the latest offerings??.Competition is a good thing,I guess.
I would also note that Stereovox is the Peak importer! DUH.

I am not saying that just the Zoltan is overpriced but many similar speakers are! I have also posted a similar post to the WP 8. The WP 7 were $22,000.00 now they are $28,000.00
if you figure that the new tweeters cost a bit more it still doesn't add up to that major a price increase to cover the raw parts!

Companies like USHER and many others are building statement products that are priced resonably and not based on the "well it sounds as good as something else in that price point" so we will price it the accordingly!

The WP the Zoltan the Verity, JM Labs, Avalon, Kharmas, are all very fine products but whose prices are getting way out of hand, if you add up the driver costs, factor in cabinet construction and add a fair mark up it is is still way out of hand, how many poor Mormon speaker builders are running companies with such a low mark up the can drive a Ferrari?

What I am rallying for is for people to wake up and not subscribe to the audio snobisim which is making this hobby unaffordable except for the uber wealthy which is why I sell Usher and Cayin, Nuforce, and Plinius, etc and many of the other brands that I sell and endorse because the level of sounnd quality and engineering suport it!

and at the crack of Ferrari at Toyota prices. Any good car builder can take a $25,000 mass produced Japanese car and put $25,000 or so into it and bury a Ferrari! NO it won't get you laid like a Ferrari, or be as sexy but speed it what it is about. My buddy took a 1989 Ford 2.3 litter car and put about $25,000 into it and that same car does generates 660 hp on a dyno and it will on a track out run a $130,000 Ferrari in a quarter mile run!

Yes go ahead and snicker but that is exactly the point I am rallying for great sound that won't put you in the poor house because the product has a name or has garnished good reviews. Look at the technology and the build quality and then give it a good listen there are scores of smaller and not as well companies in this industry that make unbelievable products that are affordable.

If we were all to sucumb to the name recoginition and pure review thing there never would have been a Mark Levinson, Krell, Ayre, Audio Reserach, CJ etc. Every gold label company at one time was new and unknown and through the sprit of competition and market persistantce grew to become the companies they are today, but as Preston Tucker erronously thought, if you build a better product and price it fairly the world will beat a path to your door.

I guess if you want to be taken seriously in this industry you must price everything in the tens of thousands price range then stand back and watch the people get impressed.
Have you guys read the Martin Collums review? I have (I live in UK) and it's not glowing. I put that down to the general standard of UK 'Hi-Fi' mag reviews - I try and look towards US press for more reliable reporting.
I'm at the point of putting the money down for a pair of InCognito X's, MC said the Zoltan was dynamically slow and has a distant sound... although he did also say his listening room could have been bigger which might have helped