Speakers Like Merlin VSM?

I once owned a pair of VSM-M's and regretably sold them. At the time I owned them I spent a good amount on my system and although it wasn't perfect I was never let down by these speakers. Actually they are the best I have heard to date. I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270 and it knocked me out.

I'm not real sure I could amass a system like that again but I was wondering..... Who's the new Merlin? I may just have to save up and go for it.

The Merlins with the BAM are just awesome especially if your into vinyl. If any of you live in Texas or nearby there and want to sell your Merlins please send me an e-mail.

Perhaps it would be best to contact Bobby personally.


I received my new TSM MMe`s two days ago and even tho they aren`t broken in yet, I can tell that they are special and I am thrilled with them. For their price, or any price for that matter, they are stupid good. Eva Cassidy is in my listening room singing to me.

Merlin speakers didn`t win the Audio Review award for the most 5 star customer reviews for nothing.
Since hi fi has been my hobby for the past 34 years I have become acquainted with a number of speakers/pre/amps etc...Bobby has been the most help to me of any manufacturer/dealer that I have had the good fortune to deal with...Extemely knowledgable...personable and driven to produce at an excellent product at a fair market price...Am I a happy Merlin owner? That might be an understatement...Thank you Bobby
hi ellery,
to really answer your fair question properly, i need to know more about the direction the whole system would go in, the room and set up possiblities. all these will factor into the outcome.
perhaps you could call the factory and speak to me for 5 or 10 minutes and i would have all the information i need.
be glad to help.
585 367 2390, i'll even be there sunday for 4 or 5 hours later on, est.
Hi Ellery, the microZOTL is one of ours and many people have found it's outperforms mega amps in high efficiency speakers, we have several Europeans using the mZ with Avantgardes and it's awfully inexpensive, sadly however, they are lost leaders per say and will be discontinued most likely this year.

To personally find the answer to your questions, we'll be more than happy to give a 30 day money back guarantee on a ZH-270 with a small return and shipping charge, there is of course, a waiting list.
One unfortunate thing of having a Merlin VSM-MM / Joule setup, as I do, is that you sometimes miss out on all the fun - like this thread - because you are not surfing audiogon 24/7 looking for that missing piece of magic that your system needs. Yes, you know who you are. I am prone to being obsessive about my hobbies (I have a serious car problem) and it takes a lot for me to be content, unfortunately. I am content. I have heard the Berning, with VSMs, and it is excellent. If I hadn't purchased the VZN80 for the price I paid I would probably own the Berning.

Will, you should come over for a listen. And you can leave those audiovox cables at your house, thank you very much. I'm off my meds and I don't need any temptation...
