VSA VR4 SR or JR as a match to my system and room

I want to replace my Totem Forests. I'm using a DK MkII with an FMJ23 CDP. My room tends to be brightish (lots of glass and wood) and is about 19x28x14(vaulted - approx 6000+ sq. ft.). My listening tastes are eclectic with an emphasis in Jazz and Classical, but I also like to blast alittle rock now ant then. Would the VR4 SR or JR be a good match?

Other contenders include Proac R38 (there is a dealer near by) and Merlin, but I'm just at the beginning stages of this illness and am open to other suggestions ($5 to $10K range).

BTW, I have wanted to listen to a pair of VSA VR4 SR or VSA VR4 JR's based on comments on the discussion forums. However, living in the Canadian Rockies does not bode well for having access to dealers. I've now sent two E-mails to VSA to find the nearest dealer (e.g., Seattle??)across the last two weeks but have not heard a peep from them. From what I've read, VSA seems to be a good company to deal with; however, my experience is making me wonder. Any comments regarding VSA customer service?



here is a link to this same topic on another forum, audiogon please forgive me
Holenneck (Answers)
There are no facts on that thread either other than Len's correction of the reference to a company who defaulted in the city of Vista, which in fact was a company other than Von Schweikert.

This is the problem with internet discussion. It's chock-a-block with misinformation that people take as the truth without doing any research into the facts. Gossip is a disservice to those seeking information and the truth.

Now, I'm not disputing reports from dealers who have been dropped by VS, but without further credible info, one cannot with certainty project anything about the viability of the company.

Changes may be imminent at Von Schweikert. The high end audio industry in general is experiencing a paradigm shift regarding business and distribution models. This is considerably different than concluding that the company is in trouble, which is what the gossipers are spreading without offering any facts backed by evidence.
Does anybody know where Kevin of VSA went? He was great to talk to. It's a shame that he is not there anymore. I wish him the best!
Von Schweikert just completely re did their web page, and displaced Wilson Audio in a HUGE Hong Kong Dealer!
That don't sound like a company that is going out of business to me ?

But, as a consumer, I could care less about some "dealer network" as long as I get a good deal on the speakers I want to buy ?

Orion sells direct only, as do many other small companies, so what ?

All I know is that Albert has been around high end audio since the late 70's.

My friend just had a pair of 15 year old original VR 4's updated, so how is that for product support ?

I don't know that Albert is going to sell direct, or remain a dealer supported company.
Frankly, I really do not care.

What matters to me, as a consumer, is that Albert will be there for me down the road, if I need him.

When Alberts original company in Upstate New York went out of business because of a flood, wiping out his inventory, Albert still supported his old customers with parts, and updates, etc.

Original VR 4's sell fast on Audiogon, if you can find them ?

So why should I, as a consumer, be "afraid" that Von Schweikert isn't going to "be around" ?

As a consumer, I see Albert still supporting 20 year old original VR 4's with mods and updates.

So, why should I be scared to buy his newer stuff, knowing his excellent track record of supporting old designs ?

Personally, I wish he would sell direct, and cut out the dealers altogether so I could get the best deal I can.

But, that is his business, not mine.

One final thought, do you remember CounterPoint ?

They went bankrupt, yet the old owner Mike is still offering mods, repairs, etc.

Even if Von Schweikeert goes bankrupt, there are many thousands of Von Schweikerrt speakers out there.

Albert would have to be a complete fool to "walk away" from all these speaker owners!

And, as far as resale goes, Celestion and Hales are long gone, but still have plenty of resale.

Resale value is high, when the product is good, because speakers are pretty reliable devices.

Look how fast old VR4's sell here ?
In attempt to clear things up I called Von Schweikert today. His son, Damon picked up on the first ring and as always was friendly and informative. He said that the company is doing wonderfully. New dealers are being signed up including the one mentioned in the Far East. They have several of thier products with reviews coming out shortly. Concerning the higerfi internet sales. That was a one time overstocked situation. The big boys (VR7 and VR9) are built to order for an individual. Occasionally one can not be paid for as planned and then VS would place those speakers with a source such as Higherfi which could sell them as new, as indeed they are new.
Lastly they are aware of the variablity of responsiveness at corporate headquaters and being a small comapny everybody answers the phone but there are tons of calls. They are now in process of hiring a customer services person to handle much of this daily call volume.