Speaker cable for Green Mountain Audio Callisto

I want to know your cables recomendation for Green Mountain Audio speakers, in my case for the Callisto.
I red that GMA use Audio Magic speaker cables. Anybody recomend them ?
What about Acoustic Zen, Analysis Plus or Crystal Cable ?
Copper or Sylver or both ?
Thanks for your replays.
when I was at the factory listening to the Callisto, the speaker cable was Virtual-Dynamics Master. Superb sound! I do not know what other speaker cables used before at the factory might have sounded like so I have no comparison metric for you. However, the V-D Dynamics was excellent sounding. Their sound/tonality reminded me of the TARA Labs Master Gen2 speaker cables I personally use. FWIW. YMMV.
FWIW, owners of Thiels and Vandersteens have expressed satisfation with Alpha-Core Goertz MI speaker cables. In that these brands share many design principles and that Alph-Core has a generous trial period, the Goertz might be worthy of consideration.
Isn't the amp equally as important, if not moreso, than the speakers in making this cable decision?
Am I missing something? The Callisto, which I've owned, is a wonderful speaker, originally retailing for, what, $2200 and now retailing for $2900. Now there are 3 posters who recommend speaker wire (Virtual Dynamics) that retails for $2200 for a pair of 8' cables?! With all due respect, that's an insane recommendation.

Man, the Callsito owner would be much better served by moving on to a pair of, say, $4,500 speakers (GMA Pico Mideo?) and using the remaining $600 for a pair of "budget" cables. Or, as Drubin suggests, investing some of that $2200 cable budget in amp or source upgrade(s) and some on, say, a set of used GMA floorstanders, and still have a few hundred left over for "cheap" speaker cables.

For what it's worth, I used Paul Grzybek's (Bizzy Bee; Tube Audio Design) Fro-Zen cables with my Callistos and enjoyed them thoroughly. I got them when he first introduced them (a 15' pair for about $150) and much to my surprise I found that I thought they sounded marginally better than my 14-guage Home Depot utility cords. Marginally. Barely, but it still surprised me that there was ANY difference.

I still have the Fro-Zen's, although I'm thinking of trying out Blue Jeans Cable's bi-wire cables for my new, used GMA Continuum 1's.

Good luck, dude, and make sure you keep your cable spending in proportion to the thing you're cabling!
The point I was trying to make is that when you chose a speaker cable, you need to match it to your amp as much as to your speakers.