Speaker cable for Green Mountain Audio Callisto

I want to know your cables recomendation for Green Mountain Audio speakers, in my case for the Callisto.
I red that GMA use Audio Magic speaker cables. Anybody recomend them ?
What about Acoustic Zen, Analysis Plus or Crystal Cable ?
Copper or Sylver or both ?
Thanks for your replays.
You would be hard pressed to out-class them (Callistos) with anything you could put in front of them regardless of pricetag.

Would you recommend selling larger and much higher priced speakers and use the proceeds on more expensive cables and the Callistos?
I have been following this thread regularly & note the interesting discussion of what the cost of the cables should be in relationship to the cost of the components. I noted that both sides of the coin are represented here (towards which I have absolutely no problem, just wanted to make that clear up-front). (what a revelation! this is audio & both opinions are well represented! LOL!)

Re. speaker cable recommendation: I've been toying w/ the idea of making my recommendations FWIW. So, what the hell, here they are for whatever it's worth:-
Luminous Audio Synchestra Reference (the copper cables)
TARA Labs Master Gen II or Decade
Virtual Dynamics Master

ALL the above cited speaker cables have the same general tonality. I have heard all three of them & I personally use the Master Gen II myself.
The tonality of these 3 cables is very similar to your TARA Labs Decade interconnect. If you like this fantastic cable, you'll like any of the 4 cables suggested above.

I've also read that Paul Speltz's "anti-cable" speaker cables are very good sounding & good value of money. I've also read that same for Mapleshade's speaker cables. I believe that these cost $75/ 8' pair & there is an upgraded version that costs $150/ 8' pair. No personal experience w/ either of these.

yet another speaker cable is the Sonoran Plateau from Audio Stillpoints (the folks who make those brass cones & that Harmonic Precision Caravelle speaker). IMHO this cable has a little rich bass & it's a bit boomy to *my* ears. People, who I know use these, think otherwise.

Shadorne, the only point I was really trying to make was that I think the Callistos are of a high enough caliber even though they are not full range to warrant the best, even if it meant the Callsitos ended up being the least expensive component in a given system. They are very tough to trip up.
And yes, I have no trouble at all imaginig systems that would benefit form downsizing their speaker and upgrading their cable, probalbly one of the more common mistakes around. It is far easier to tune up the right size speaker than to tune down a speaker that is overcompressing a room. P