The Search

I realize many of you are still searching trying to find the best speaker for your music, one that fits your ideals and budget.
I've ended my search with Seas'.
Anyone else here feel they do not need to hear from the newest, latest designs?
Seems every so often a new speaker comes on the market and everyone wants to own a pr. due to the rave factor.
Do you feel like you are on a merry-go-round?
i always make an effort to listen to the latest in dipole designs, although most are hybrid.

i'm curious to hear a current audiostatic.

Since many manufacturers use SEAS, the Thors kit must be extremely good and good value, as you remove one step in supply the chain. Ahh, but you completely lose all that marketing hype no full page adds and glowing reviews showing Bartokfan's prized Thors.

Being very familiar with the use of Green's functions(classical physics), I am puzzled when I read things like "Using a variation of the equations developed for advanced physics, called Green's functions -- the only math for working backwards from those molecular collisions at your ear to the speaker -- we then determine how the speaker must initiate the collisions"

My only retort to this kind of spiel is if you design from the molecular level why would you use another manufacturers driver?

Indeed Bartokfan has a point of view that deserves respect. If only to avoid us drowning in a sea of heavy marketing hype.
"since many manufactures use Seas'..." like which others except Tyler? In europe there are several who use the Excel line.
Shadome I like how you put it, "Bartokfans prized Thors". Indeed they are. Especially after dumping $2200 on a DIY design I had a guy from madisound site to work out. His Initials are RC.
Anyone where did you read this "using a variation....initiate the collisions".
Interesting please follow up. I think you may help us all get to the bottom of the truth. Which many here feel is too elusive and a waste of time. That is everyone has his own preference , no one is right, no one wrong. Taste is a wide siiue. I do not believe it is like this, not in my 30 yrs of experience.
I do believe there is a certain standard in speaker voicing, gertting as close as possible to the actual recorded medium in the studio.
Some set up/speakers/amps, fall way short of this ideal. Many expensive ones too. So its not how much money is involved.
btw did you read that article on madisound's site about the Thor from AudioXpress may,2002?
You need to read that, everyone else as well.
The marketing hype is strong in all audio. Folks , like sheep, follow the crowd. they feel part ofa bigger whole. As you will notice I am the only one with the Thor, though there are others who have Tyler's, which came out after the Thor made its appearance back in late 90's I guess. 1995. I bought my Thor before Tyler made his appearance here on audiogon.
I did my DD and it paid off.
Anyone in the Baton rouge area is welcome to hear the speaker.

Waht are you saying 'use another manufacturers driver" Please explain

I was wondering why speakers that are designed from the molecular level up, would use a third party driver. However, this may only be marketing talk...
Who are you refering to as designing froma molecular level? Who is this 3rd party? Somehow I'm missing something. I need a specific name. PM me if you want if that is an issue of being afriad of The Bashers.