Fixing a dent in a whoffer cone

The center cone of one of my woffers was pushed in. How can it be repaired?
The simplest remedy would be to push the other one in so they match. On secong thought, perhaps you should wait for some better advice. My boy pushed in a 15 inch JBL2225 and I've tried everything to fix luck yet. I am eager to see what other people have to say.
Adhesive tape works for mild dent. But, generally, a dented dustcap in the center of the woofer does no harm so it is probably better to ignore it.
Another alternative is to "french kiss" the cone. Not just another way to get close to your system, but by gently sucking while puckering your lips against the cone you can work it back out.
Just don't let your spouse catch you doing it. She will undoubtedly grow jealous and never let you have private listening sessions alone anymore.
Fotis_k, you are kidding right ?? But come to think about it, that just might work ... I am just having a hell of a time imagining someone on his/her knees puckering up to the woofers ...