Open Baffle Speakers

My friend sent me an email re: this design and it certainly sounds interesting.
Does anyone have any experience with this design?
Strenghths and weakness?
Can they do bass?
In general, how do they work?
Linkwitz-Riley Orions? The Peerless XLS drivers work well,as do the Dayton Infinite-Baffle series woofers.You need to watch the crossover points,to prevent driver over-excursion.Most drivers sound best without the box.
They sound wonderfull very open and balanced, Imaging is not that good IMHO, (I had Lowther on Open Bafle with a sealed Altec 416 woofer on the bottom a supertweeter) some detail is lost, I could never tell really how many guitars there were, not really becuase detail was lost sometimes you can tell the guitars apart because each one (lets say) is fixed to a speaker, with my OB they where all floating somewhere around the I could not tell which ones were which...etc.
Open baffles are great. If more guys tried them they would never go back to boxes, IMHO. And they image great in my room. (PHY KM 30 SAG's with a Velodyne DD12)
I'm currently enjoying the PHY drivers in a modified, or folded open baffle. I'm never looking back. I have not enjoyed my system like this in a great many years.