Which speaker to replace Dunlavy SC-V?

Hi fellow audiophiles, I have a question especially for those who are familiar with Dunlavy speakers. I have a pair of Dunlavy SC-V speakers now for a while and albeit I am quite satisfied with their sound I am also curious which speakers could be considered as good contestants if I might ever contemplate to replace the Duns. I know that would be comparing apples with pears, but this is my own list of contestants: Jamo Reference open baffle speakers, Dali Megaline (used), Acapella Campanille (used), Avant Garde Trio, Magneplanar 20.1, Magico Mini, Duevel Jupiter, Tannoy Westminster Royal, stacked Quad ESL 57's (don't laugh).


Have you listened to the bid Pipedreams? They would be my pick for cost-no-object speakers, especially if I had to give up by BIG actively bi-amped B&W800's.

Long reverb time can be mitigated with plenty of acoustic treatment...if you can accept to hang many panels around the room (especially the rear wall behind your listening position)....
one of the things i,ve noticed when i had my Dunlavy,s is that as stated by John Dunlavy in the owners manual you should place them across your long wall in your room with more distance in between them than distance between the speaker and the sweet spot (somewhere between a 60 to 90 degree angle, a lot of toe in). This way they sound absolutly fantastic, but my experience placing them acroos the short wall, or the other way around is that you will do much better with other speaker choices.
You will probably have to pay some bigger bucks to get the big sound of the Dunlavy V. I replaced mine with the Von Schweikert vr7se. It is three times the price but it is far better in every aspect.
I had a pair of Dunlavy SC-VI's, but my room was not the right size for them. I had to have them on the short wall and there was too much interaction. Because of their size I was limited on how much I could move them around. I sold them and bought a pair of Wilson X-1 Series 3's and they sound awesome in my room. About 70% the size of the VI's so I could pull them into the room and away from the side walls more without them seeming to be on top of me. It was a wise move for me. Remember regardless of what anyone in here tells you, it has to sound good to you! That is what is important.