Small Floor Standers

I'm looking to create a short list of speakers for music only. The room is 15x28 with 9' ceilings and hard surfaces, except a few padded chairs and light fabric window covers. The main listening area is 15x18 and the rest of the room is my kitchen which opens up to it.

Musically, I listen to rock, jazz, and a variety classical but no hip hop or electronic to speak of. The ideal speaker will provide smooth tonal response, good dynamics and importantly freedom from stridency which the live room will only accentuate. High SPL's and subterranean bass are not required but I don't want something that gets lost in the space. The speakers must be compact - 35" or so tall and not more than 8-12" wide and deep. I prefer floor standing designs because of the room volume and as protection against a 6 year old. My budget is around $1k used, maybe a bit higher for the right choice.

A few of my early thoughts are the smaller Spendors and Quad L series as well as Totems and Dynaudio.

The source will be a Squeezebox playing lossless digital and the amp is TBA, but will be matched to the speakers which I think should be picked first.

Any and all comments are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I'll try looking but will have to wait til I get home. The firewall here will definitely ban that url.
A guy recently sold a pair of K2s here in the cherry finish for $600. I made an offer (too late of course) even though I had no place to put them. That may have been one of the years best buys.
That is a screaming deal! I know the urge to buy something you can't use - there's a Rotel RMB1095 and pair of Spendor SP1/2's sitting in my storage as we speak.

Right now a scuffed pair of Kestrels is available for $500 (reduced from $600). I think with a little patience a nice pair should be available at a great price. One thing that impresses me is how satisfied Kestrel owners appear to be both here and on Audioreview.
Wdrazek: I'd be interested in a summary of what you have found appealing in the Chicago area so far: the stores as well as the speakers. Thanks

PS. Why don't you sell your Spendors if you are not listening to them? Are they 1/2E or older 1/2?
i see the nib hr's are still for sale, see what he'll take for them. it is definitely a buyers market for a discontinued nib speaker from a defunct manufacturer! esp given the fact that seller is a dealer(?) and is now competing only with used products and more motivated individuals! take it from a real estate agent, dealers just want to move old inventory as it is not the main business to sell old product for full retail in a competitive market. just my take on it tho ;)