Definition of "too Hi-Fi"

On numerous occasions others have described a speaker (or other component) as sounding “too Hi-Fi.” What does this mean? Isn't that exactly the goal? Doesn't High Fidelity mean faithful to the original, i.e., sounds like live music, live instruments, or a fool the ear impression of “I'm there,” or “they're here?” It seems contradictory to criticize something for being too close to perfection. Maybe that's taking it too literally. So. . ,

What does “too Hi-Fi” mean to you?
THere is no such thing as too hifi. By bringing up such a term shows just how much snake oil and hype there is in the audiio world. At tkmes I feel like its the 1970's all over again when i hear certain equipment. The names labs use with all the letters and numbers like SEXi 3.5, or SE9000, "the all new SEX310" and such. In this world of easy access info, there's seems to be more confusion than true knowledge. With the audio mags as the prime source for adding to the confusion and hype.
I've heard alot of equipment that some said were simply 'definitive, the ultimate" and I've walked away from the demo just shaking in disbelief or at times.ROTFLMAO
Lets get back to substance and facts. And leave questionable ideas and reviews where they belong, in the garbage can.

Hi fi means high FIDELUTY. Of course you youngsters have never heard this term before.

I guess I should now read through some of the above we've got a long way to go.....
The term "Hi Fi " reminds me of the old mortorola stereo console my Dad bought when I was a Kid in the 60's. Also Seems I remember some of those old albums boasting " Recorded in "Hi Fidelity". Stuff like Nat King Cole, Patsy Cline and Glen Miller.
The sound from that old counsole was warm rich and perhaps a bit bloated in the mid bass area...that's what I think of when I hear the term " Hi-Fi".
bartokfan, when you say "fidelity", do you mean faithfulness to the recording or to the sound of instruments ?

neither goal is attainable. it may be esaier to approach what is on the recording than recreate the sound of live music. unfortunately, there is no way to test one's progress with respect to either criterion.