Zu Definition 1.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe


My first post...i am looking for what may be my last speaker purchase for a while.

I wonder if someone has been able to compare the sound of these speakers?

I know the Merlin VSM-MM sound and have heard it with the Berning Otl..i like it a lot but wondered about the Zu and like its design.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

I can't imagine two more different sounding loudspeakers.

Your preference will largely depend on your musical tastes, room size and associated gear.
Tpsonic, on what experience do you base your post? Please list the associated equipment and where you've heard them. I'm very interested.
Thanks in advance; much appreciated.
I only listen tomclassical so the ZU's could never be my speaker.
never heard of a speaker that limits itself to only certain music. Whats this world comming to???
If its not ideal for classical then obviously it has issues with all other music as well.
Or am i wrong?
Lets get real here.

My music is eclectic but i listen mostly to electronic, rock, jazz and vocals. Not so much classical.

I just wondered after reading the 6moons review...it would be nice to drive the Zu's with flea power digital amps.

I also read about the PMC AML1 active monitors..they seem nice too.

Its going to be a tough choice!

Thank you for your comment so far.
