Zu Definition 1.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe


My first post...i am looking for what may be my last speaker purchase for a while.

I wonder if someone has been able to compare the sound of these speakers?

I know the Merlin VSM-MM sound and have heard it with the Berning Otl..i like it a lot but wondered about the Zu and like its design.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

As an owner of Def. Pro's, I completely disagree with the classical music "limitation".

Between two such different speakers, I certainly would make any and all efforts, including traveling, to hear both before buying. Give the Def's some time, as some people find their ears don't "get it" immediately. Some people don't get them ever. But, if you ending up liking them you probably will love them.

I've used mine with tiny digital amps and SET tubes, both to great effect.

I'm not going to get into a long discussion here, it's all been said before. Search the archives for previous discussion. I don't know how much is left but I'm sure it's plenty to get both sides of the discussion.
hi patrick,
it would be helpful to inform the group what sized room you would be listening to the speakers in as they would sound their best in different volumes. it appears that you are willing to try different amps to better suit the speakers you choose which is a very good thing. they will both sound their best with very different ancillaries because of their particular design concept.
thank you,
bobby at merlin
I don'tthink the Zus are as good with classical,but blues/rock is fine.
Tpsonic (System | Threads | Answers)

How did you come by this information? I also own Definition Pros and I would dispute your assertion. In my experience, they aren't limited in any way.

Speakers are transducers, just like microphones and phono cartridges. All they do is convert energy from one form to another. None of these devices distinguishes one kind of music from another. They don't even differentiate between music and other noises, like rap.

By the way, the Definition 1.5 that you asked about is basically the same design as the Definition Pro. The principle difference between the two models is the 1.5 has powered woofers and the Pro is set up for biamplification and equalized bass response. The cabinet and driver configuration are indentical.